Data shown here is partial from the data in the Research & Initiatives Center for any modifications please Contact RIC at

Authors Names Conference Name Publisher Paper Name Publication Date City Country College Lab
Authors Names Conference Name Publisher Paper Name Publication Date City Country College Lab
Arezki Fekik, Hakim Denoun, Ahmad Taher Azar, Khaled Mohamad Almustafa, Dhafer Almakhles, Mustapha Zaouia, Mohamed Lamine Hamida, And Nacira Yassa The third International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD'19) Ieee A Self Tuning Fuzzy-Fractional-Order P-I Controller for Speed Control of DC Motor Oct-2025 Grenoble France CCIS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Ramana Pilla, Nirupama Botcha, Tulasichandra Sekhar Gorripotu International Conference on Application of Robotics in Industry using Advanced Mechanisms Springer Fuzzy PID Controller for Automatic Generation Control of Interconnected Power System Tuned by Glow-Worm Swarm Optimization Nov-2025 Bhubaneswar India CE RIOTU LAB
Jothi G, Hannah Inbarani. H, Ahmad Taher Azar, Khaled Mohamad Almustafa The 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining (FSDM2019) Acm Feature Reduction based on Modified Dominance Soft Set Nov-2025 Kitakyushu Japan CE RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Ahmed Magd Aly, Abdelrahman Sayed Sayed, Mahmoud Elbakry Radwan, Hossam Hassan Ammar IEEE conference on Novel Intelligent and Leading Emerging Sciences conference (NILES 2019) Ieee Neuro-Fuzzy System for 3-DOF Parallel Robot Manipulator Nov-2025 6th of October City Egypt CE RIOTU LAB
Nashwa Ahmad Kamal, Ahmad Taher Azar, Ghada Said Elbasuony, Khaled Mohamad Almustafa, Dhafer Almakhles The International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics AISI 2019 Springer PSO-based Adaptive Perturb and Observe MPPT Technique for Photovoltaic Systems Nov-2025 Cairo Egypt CE RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Adel Ouannas, Giuseppe Grassi, Amina Aicha Khennaouia, Viet-thanh Pham The International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics AISI 2019 Springer Chaotic Control in Fractional-Order Discrete-Time Systems Nov-2025 Cairo Egypt CE RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Abdelrahman Sayed Sayed, Abdalla Saber Shahin, Hassan Ashraf Elkholy, Hossam Hassan Ammar The International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics AISI 2019 Springer PID Controller for 2-DOFs Twin Rotor MIMO System Tuned with Particle Swarm Optimization Nov-2025 Cairo Egypt CE RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Arezki Fekik, Hakim Denoun, Nashwa Ahmad Kamal, Mustapha Zaouia, Nacera Yassa, Mohamed Lamine Hamida The International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics AISI 2019 Springer Direct Torque Control of Three Phase Asynchronous Motor with Sensorless Speed Estimator Nov-2025 Cairo Egypt CE RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Fernando E. Serrano, Anis Koubaa, Nashwa Ahmad Kamal, Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan, Arezki Fekik The 5th International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics AISI 2019 Springer ADAPTIVE TERMINAL INTEGRAL SLIDING MODE FORCE CONTROL OF ELASTIC JOINT ROBOT MANIPULATORS IN THEPRESENCE OF HYSTERESIS Nov-2025 CAIRO EGYPT CE RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Shikha Singh The International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics AISI 2019 Springer Controlling Chaotic System via Optimal Control Nov-2025 Cairo Egypt CCIS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Hossam Hassan Ammar, Zahra Fathy Ibrahim, Habiba A. Ibrahim, Nada Ali Mohamed, Mazen Ahmed Taha The International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics AISI 2019 Springer Implementation of PID Controller with PSO Tuning for Autonomous Vehicle Nov-2025 Cairo Egypt CCIS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Omar Khaled Sallam, Amr Guaily, Hossam Hassan Ammar The International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics AISI 2019 Springer Tuning of PID controller using Particle Swarm Optimization for cross flow heat Exchanger based on CFD System Identification Nov-2025 Cairo Egypt CCIS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Nourhan Ali, Sarah Makarem, Mohamed Khaled Diab, Hossam Hassan Ammar The International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics AISI 2019 Springer Design and Implementation of a Ball and Beam PID Control System Based on Metaheuristic Techniques Nov-2025 Cairo Egypt CCIS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Fernando E. Serrano, Ibrahim A. Hameed, Nashwa Ahmad Kamal, Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan The International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics AISI 2019 Springer Robust H-Infinity Decentralized Control for Industrial Cooperative Robots Nov-2025 Cairo Egypt CCIS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Hossam Hassan Ammar, Mayra Yucely Beb, Santiago Ramos Garces, Abdoulaye Boubakari The International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics AISI 2019. Springer Optimal Design of PID Controller for 2-DOF Drawing Robot using Bat-Inspired Algorithm Nov-2025 Cairo Egypt CCIS RIOTU LAB
Arezki Fekik, Ahmad Taher Azar, Nashwa Ahmad Kamal, Hakim Denoun, Khaled Mohamad Almustafa, Lamine Hamida, Mustapha Zaouia The 5th International Conference on Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications (AMLTA-2020) Springer Fractional Order control of a fuel cell-boost converter system Dec-2025 Jaipur India CCIS RIOTU LAB
Anis Koubaa 17th IEEE International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices 2020 Ieee Robot Operating System (ROS): How did it revolutionize robotics software development? Jan-2025 Monastir Tunisia CCIS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology ICCMIT’20 Ieee Keynote Speaker Mar-2025 Athens Greece CCIS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar., Fernando E. Serrano, Anis Koubaa 20th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC’2020) Ieee Adaptive Fuzzy Type-2 Fractional Order Proportional Integral Derivative Sliding Mode Controller for Trajectory Tracking of Robotic Manipulators Apr-2025 Azores Portugal CCIS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar., Fernando E. Serrano, Anis Koubaa 20th IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC’2020) Ieee Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode Force Control of Robotic Manipulators with Parametric Uncertainties and Time-Varying Loads Apr-2025 Azores Portugal CCIS RIOTU LAB
Dr. Zahid Khan, Prof Dr. Anis Koubaa 16th International conference on Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing (IWCMC 2020) Ieee SmartFlow: An Adaptive Congestion Avoidance Protocol for Smart Transportation Systems Apr-2025 Limassol Cyprus CCIS RIOTU LAB
Fakhar Abbas, Gang Liu, Pingzhi Fan, Zahid Khan IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Ieee A Vehicle Density based Two-Stage Resource Management Scheme for 5G-V2X Networks Jul-2025 Antwerp Belgium CCIS RIOTU LAB
Sangsha Fang, Zahid Khan, Pingzhi Fan IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Ieee A Cooperative RSU Caching Policy for Vehicular Content Delivery Networks in Two-Way Road with a T-junction Jul-2025 Antwerp Belgium CCIS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Fernando E. Serrano, Nashwa Ahmad Kamal And Anis Koubaa 6th International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics (AISI’20) Springer Robust Kinematic Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Non-Holonomic Constraints Jul-2025 Cairo Egypt CCIS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Fernando E. Serrano, Nashwa Ahmad Kamal And Anis Koubaa 6th International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics (AISI’20) Springer Leader-Follower Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with State Dependent Switching Jul-2025 Cairo Egypt CCIS RIOTU LAB
Safa Ben Atitallah, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila, Anis Koubaa, Nesrine Atitallah, Henda Ben Ghézala The 28th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Ieee AN ENHANCED RANDOMLY INITIALIZED CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK FOR COLUMNAR CACTUS RECOGNITION IN UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE IMAGERY Jan-2025 Alaska United States CCIS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Fernando E. Serrano, Nashwa Ahmad Kamal And Anis Koubaa The 21st IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC2021) Ieee Decoupled Lateral-Longitudinal Dynamic Modeling and Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Apr-2025 Portugal Portugal CCIS RIOTU LAB
Habab Jan, Hikmat Yar, Javed Iqbal, Haleem Farman, Zahid Khan, Anis Koubaa First International Conference Of Smart Systems And Emerging Technologies 2020 Ieee Raspberry Pi Assisted Safety System for Elderly People: An Application of Smart Home Oct-2025 Riyadh Saudi Arabia CCIS RIOTU LAB
Nauman Khan, Rosli Bin Salleh, Zahid Khan, Anis Koubaa First International Conference Of Smart Systems And Emerging Technologies 2020 Ieee Avoiding Forwarding Loop Across Multiple Domains Without Controller Synchronization in SDN Oct-2025 Riyadh Saudi Arabia CCIS RIOTU LAB
Aeyan Ashraf, Asad Malik, Zahid Khan 2022 2nd International Conference of Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (SMARTTECH) Ieee POSTER: Diagnosis of COVID-19 through Transfer Learning Techniques on CT Scans: A Comparison of Deep Learning Models Oct-2025 Riyadh Saudi Arabia CCIS RIOTU LAB
Faicel Yaakoubi, Aymen Yahyaoui, Wadii Boulila, Rabah Attia 14th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence (ICCCI2022) Springer An XGBoost-Based Approach for an Efficient RPL Routing Attack Detection Nov-2025 Hammamet Tunisia CCIS RIOTU LAB
Muhammad Zakir Khan, Jawad Ahmad, Wadii Boulila, Matthew Broadbent, Syed Aziz Shah, Anis Koubaa, Qammer H. Abbasi International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference Ieee Contactless Human Activity Detection using Deep Learning with Flexible and Scalable Software Define Radio Apr-2025 Marrakech Morocco CCIS RIOTU LAB
Yasir Javed, Shabir Hussain Khahro, Roohi Jan, Qasim Hussain Khahro International Conference on e-Society, e-Learning and e-Technologies Acm Education in the 21st Century: Technological Developments to Meet the Significant Problems Apr-2025 PORTSMOUTH United Kingdom CCIS RIOTU LAB
Bilel Benjdira, Anas M. Ali, Anis Koubaa CVPR (IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) Workshops Ieee Streamlined Global and Local Features Combinator (SGLC) for High Resolution Image Dehazing May-2025 Vancouver Canada CCIS RIOTU LAB
Ayyub Alzahem , Shahid Latif , Wadii Boulila, Anis Koubaa Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems Elsevier Unlocking the Potential of Medical Imaging with ChatGPT’s Intelligent Diagnostics May-2025 Athens Greece CCIS RIOTU LAB
Oumar Khlelfa, Aymen Yahyaoui, Mouna Ben Azaiez, Anwer Ncibi, Ezzedine Gazouani, Adel Ammar, And Wadii Boulila 15th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence - ICCCI 2023 Springer Interpretation of immunofluorescence slides by Deep Learning techniques: Anti-nuclear antibodies case study May-2025 Budapest Hungary CCIS RIOTU LAB
Safi Ullah, Wadii Boulila, Anis Koubaa, Zahid Khan, Jawad Ahmad IEEE 98th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2023-Fall Ieee ABDNN-IDS: Attention-Based Deep Neural Networks for Intrusion Detection in Industrial IoT Sep-2025 Tung Chung Hong Kong CCIS RIOTU LAB
Nadia Charef, Marouaabdelhafidh, Adel Ben Mnaouer, Karl Anderson, Soumaya Cherkaoui IEEE GLOBECOM'2023 Ieee RL-based Adaptive Duty Cycle Scheduling in WSN-based IoT Nets Sep-2025 Kuala Lampur Malaysia CCIS RIOTU LAB
Takoua Mahjoub, Adel Ben Mnaouer, Hatem Boujemaa, Maymouna Ben Said The 2023 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC'23) Ieee Performance analysis of LoRa for Rice Fading channels Nov-2025 Doha Qatar CCIS RIOTU LAB
Rahil Bensaid, Adel Ben Mnaouer And Hatem Boujemaa The 2023 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC'23) Ieee Delay Analysis of Routing Protocols for WSN Nov-2025 Doha Qatar CCIS RIOTU LAB
Maroua Abdelhafidh, Nesrine Zaghdoud, Nadia Charef, Adel Ben Mnaouer THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BLOCKCHAIN COMPUTING AND APPLICATIONS (BCCA 2023) Ieee Blockchain-based key management solution for Clustered Flying Ad-Hoc Network Nov-2025 Kuwait Kuwait CCIS RIOTU LAB
Mohamed Ashraf Mohamed Abdelkader; Abdulrahman S. Al-batati; Imen Jarraya; Anis Koubaa The 2nd International Conference on Unmanned Vehicle Systems (UVS-Oman 2024) Ieee D2DTracker: A Framework for Enabling Real-Time Trajectory Prediction for agile Drone-to-Drone Tracking via Adaptive Model Selection Dec-2025 MUSCAT Oman CCIS RIOTU LAB
L. Khorkheli, D. Bourne, V.chakravarty,s.abraham, Gandevabayusatrya, Adel Ben Mnaouer The Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium Ieee Improving OTP Authentication with PQC Algorithms Feb-2025 Dubai United Arab Emirates CCIS RIOTU LAB
Omer Nacar, Serry Sibaee, Samar Ahmed, Abdullah Alharbi, Lahouari Ghouti And Anis Koubaa LREC-COLING 2024 Other ASOS at OSACT6 Shared Task: Investigation of Data Augmentation in Arabic Dialect-MSA Translation Apr-2025 Torino Italy CCIS RIOTU LAB
Zahid Khan; Nauman Khan; Anis Koubaa; Adel Ben Mnaouer; Wadii Boulila The 20th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference Ieee SDN-Enabled Cluster-based Evolving Graph Routing Scheme (SE-CEGRS) Apr-2025 Ayia Napa Cyprus CCIS RIOTU LAB
Safa Ben Atitallah - Maha Driss - Wadii Boulila - Anis Koubaa 16th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence Springer Strengthening Network Intrusion Detection IoT Environments with Self Supervised Learning and Few Shot Learning May-2025 Leipzig Germany CCIS RIOTU LAB
Ayyub Alzahem, Wadii Boulila, Maha Driss, And Anis Koubaa International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence Springer Feature Fusion for Improved Classification: Combining Dempster-Shafer Theory and Multiple CNN Architectures May-2025 Leipzig Germany CCIS RIOTU LAB
Safi Ullah, Wadii Boulila, Anis Koubaa, Jawad Ahmad International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems Elsevier Wadii Boulila Jun-2025 Seville Spain CCIS RIOTU LAB
Muhammad Shahbaz Khan, Jawad Ahmad, Ahmed Al-dubai, Nikolaos Pitropakis, Maha Driss, William J. Buchanan 28th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems Elsevier A Novel Cosine-Modulated-Polynomial Chaotic Map to Strengthen Image Encryption Algorithms in IoT Environments Jun-2025 Seville Spain CCIS RIOTU LAB
Omer Nacar, Serry Sibaee, Abdullah I. Alharbi, Lahouari Ghouti, Anis Koubaa The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Other 1. ASOS at NADI 2024 shared task: Bridging Dialectness Estimation and MSA Machine Translation for Arabic Language Enhancement 2. ASOS at KSAA-CAD 2024: One Embedding is All You Need for Your Dictionary Jun-2025 Bangkok Thailand CCIS RIOTU LAB
Omer Nacar, Serry Taiseer Sibaee, Samar Ahmed, Safa Ben Atitallah, Adel Ammar, Yasser Alhabashi, Abdulrahman S. Al-batati, Arwa Alsehibani, Nour Qandos, Omar Elshehy, Mohamed Abdelkader And Anis Koubaa The 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2025) No Publisher Towards Inclusive Arabic LLMs: A Culturally Aligned Benchmark in Arabic Large Language Model Evaluation Dec-2025 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates CCIS RIOTU LAB
Sarah Kaleem, Awais Ahmed, Muhammad Babar, Goutham Reddy Alavalapati 32nd Annual Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Other Privacy Preserved Integrated Big Data Analytics Framework Using Federated Learning for Intelligent Transportation Systems Jan-2025 San Diego, CA United States CCIS RIOTU LAB
Author Name Paper Name Journal Name Publisher Publication Date ISI Impact Factor Scopus Journal Rank College Department Lab Citation
Author Name Paper Name Journal Name Publisher Publication Date ISI Impact Factor Scopus Journal Rank College Department Lab Citation
Zakaria Chekakta, Mokhtar Zerikat, Yasser Bouzid, Anis Koubaa Adaptive Fuzzy Model-free Control For 3d Trajectory Tracking Of Quadrotor International Journal Of Mechatronics And Automation INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS Aug-2020 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Alam Noor, Yaqin Zhao, Rahim Khan, Longwen Wu, Fakheraldin Y.o Abdalla Median Filters Combined With Denoising Convolutional Neural Network For Gaussian And Impulse Noises Multimedia Tools And Applications SPRINGER Mar-2020 2.10 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Bilel Benjdira, Kais Ouni, Mohamad M. Al Rahhal, Abdulrahman Albakr, Amro Al-habib And Emad Mahrous Spinal Cord Segmentation In Ultrasound Medical Imagery Applied Sciences MDPI Feb-2020 2.22 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Sangsha Fang; Hongyang Chen ; Zahid Khan ; Pingzhi Fan On The Content Delivery Efficiency Of Noma Assisted Vehicular Communication Networks With Delay Constraints Ieee Wireless Communications Letters IEEE Feb-2020 3.55 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Bilel Benjdira, Adel Ammar, Anis Koubaa, And Kais Ouni Data-efficient Domain Adaptation For Semantic Segmentation Of Aerial Imagery Using Generative Adversarial Networks Applied Sciences MDPI Feb-2020 2.22 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Hannah Inbarani H, Ahmad Taher Azar, And Jothi G Leukemia Image Segmentation Using A Hybrid Histogram-based Soft Covering Rough K-means Clustering Algorithm Electronics MDPI Jan-2020 1.76 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Fernando E. Serrano Stabilization Of Port Hamiltonian Chaotic Systems With Hidden Attractors By Adaptive Terminal Sliding Mode Control Entropy MDPI Jan-2020 2.42 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
S. Udhaya Kumar, Ahmad Taher Azar, H. Hannah Inbarani, O. Joseph Liyaskar, Khaled Mohamad Almustafa Weighted Rough Set Theory For Fetal Heart Rate Classification International Journal Of Sociotechnology And Knowledge Development IGI Global Publishing Jan-2020 0.00 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Omar Cheikhrouhou, Anis Koubaa , Anis Zarrad A Cloud Based Robot Assisted Search And Rescue System Journal Of Sensor And Actuator Networks MDPI Jan-2020 0.00 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Kammogne Soup Tewa Alain, Ahmad Taher Azar, Romanic Kengne, Fotsin Hilaire Bertrand, Stability Analysis And Robust Synchronisation Of Fractional-order Modified Colpitts Oscillators International Journal Of Automation And Control Inderscience Publishers Jan-2020 0.00 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Fernando E. Serrano, Marco A. Flores, Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan, Quanmin Zhu Adaptive Neural-fuzzy And Backstepping Controller For Port-hamiltonian Systems International Journal Of Computer Applications In Technology Inderscience Publishers Jan-2020 0.04 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Abdelghani Djeddi, Djalel Dib, Ahmad Taher Azar, Salem Abdelmalek Fractional Order Unknown Inputs Fuzzy Observer For Takagi–sugeno Systems With Unmeasurable Premise Variables Mathematics MDPI Dec-2019 1.11 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Hafsa Ashraf, Mamdouh Alenezi, Muhammad Nadeem, Yasir Javid Security Assessment Framework For Educational Erp Systems International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering IAES Dec-2019 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Hossam Hassan Ammar, Ahmad Taher Azar, Raafat Shalaby, M. I. Mahmoud Metaheuristic Optimization Of Fractional Order Incremental Conductance (fo-inc) Maximum Power Point Tracking (mppt) Complexity HINDAWI Nov-2019 2.59 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Yasir Javed, Adnan Shahid Khan , Kuhanraj Balan, Seleviawati Tarmizi, Johari Abdullah Secure Trust-based Blockchain Architecture To Prevent Attacks In Vanet Sensors MDPI Nov-2019 3.03 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Naser Habibifar, Mahdi Hamid, Mahdi Bastan, Ahmad Taher Azar Performance Optimisation Of A Pharmaceutical Production Line By Integrated Simulation And Data Envelopment Analysis International Journal Of Simulation Modelling INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS Nov-2019 0.00 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ramana Pilla, Ahmad Taher Azar, Tulasichandra Sekhar Gorripotu Impact Of Flexible Ac Transmission System Devices On Automatic Generation Control With A Metaheuristic Based Fuzzy Pid Controller Energies MDPI Nov-2019 2.71 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan, Ahmad Taher Azar, Akif Akgul, Chang-hua Lien, Sezgin Kacar, Unal Cavusoglu A Memristor-based System With Hidden Hyperchaotic Attractors, Its Circuit Design, Synchronisation Via Integral Sliding Mode Control And An Application To Voice Encryption International Journal Of Automation And Control INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS Oct-2019 0.00 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Kammogne Soup Tewa Alain, Ahmad Taher Azar, Fotsin Hilaire Bertrand, Kengne Romanic Robust Observer-based Synchronisation Of Chaotic Oscillators With Structural Perturbations And Input Nonlinearity International Journal Of Automation And Control INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS Oct-2019 0.16 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Shabir Hussain Khahro, Yasir Javed, Tauha Hussain Ali, Qasim Hussain Khahro, Anees Ahmed Vighio Program Assessment And Improvement: A Case Study Of Newly Established Engineering Programs International Journal Of Civil Engineering And Technology (ijciet) IAEME Publication Aug-2019 0.00 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Anis Koubaa, John Harrison Kurunathan, Ricardo Severino, Eduardo Tovar Dynamo - Dynamic Multisuperframe Tuning For Adaptive Ieee Ieee Access IEEE Jul-2019 4.10 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Bilel Benjdira, Yakoub Bazi, Anis Koubaa, Kais Ouni Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Using Generative Adversarial Networks For Semantic Segmentation Of Aerial Images Remote Sensing MDPI Jun-2019 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Farah Bouakrif, Ahmad Taher Azar, Christos K. Volos, Jesus M. Muñoz-pacheco, Viet-thanh Pham Iterative Learning And Fractional Order Control For Complex Systems Complexity HINDAWI May-2019 2.59 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Basit Qureshi Profile-based Power-aware Workflow Scheduling Framework For Energy-efficient Data Centers Future Generation Computer Systems ELSEVIER May-2019 4.79 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ebtehal Turki Alotaibi, Shahad Saleh Alqefari, Anis Koubaa Lsar: Multi-uav Collaboration For Search And Rescue Missions Ieee Access IEEE Apr-2019 3.56 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Azza Allouch, Anis Koubaa, Mohamed Khalgui, Tarek Abbes Qualitative And Quantitative Risk Analysis And Safety Assessment Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Missions Over The Internet Ieee Access IEEE Apr-2019 3.56 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Anis Koubaa, Basit Qureshi, Mohamed-foued Sriti, Azza Allouch, Yasir Javed, Maram Alajlan, Omar Cheikhrouhou, Mohamed Khalgui, Eduardo Tovar Dronemap Planner: A Service-oriented Cloud-based Management System For The Internet-of-drones Ad Hoc Networks ELSEVIER Apr-2019 3.10 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Anis Koubaa, Basit Qureshi On Energy Efficiency And Performance Evaluation Of Single Board Computer Based Clusters: A Hadoop Case Study Electronics MDPI Feb-2019 2.11 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Babajani, R., Abbasi, M., Ahmad Taher Azar, Bastan, M., Yazdanparast, R., Hamid, M. Integrated Safety And Economic Factors In A Sand Mine Industry: A Multivariate Algorithm International Journal Of Computer Applications In Technology INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS Jan-2019 0.25 Q3 CE CME RIOTU LAB
A. Koubaa, A. Allouch, M. Alajlan, Y. Javed, A. Belghith, M. Khalgui, Micro Air Vehicle Link (mavlink) In A Nutshell: A Survey Ieee Access IEEE Jan-2019 4.10 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Hussien, A.g., Hassanien, A.e., Houssein, E.h., Amin, M., Ahmad Taher Azar New Binary Whale Optimization Algorithm For Discrete Optimization Problems Engineering Optimization TAYLOR & FRANCIS Jan-2019 0.56 Q1 CE CME RIOTU LAB
Basit Qureshi Dronetrack: Cloud-based Real-time Object Tracking Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Over The Internet Ieee Access IEEE Mar-2018 3.17 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Trigui S., Cheikhrouhou O., Koubaa A., Zarrad A., Youssef H. An Analytical Hierarchy Process-based Approach To Solve The Multi-objective Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem Intelligent Service Robotics SPRINGER VERLAG Jan-2018 1.35 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Kurunathan H., Severino R., Koubaa A., Tovar E. Ieee 802.15.4e In A Nutshell: Survey And Performance Evaluation Ieee Communications Surveys And Tutorials IEEE Jan-2018 22.97 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Chniter H., Li Y., Khalgui M., Koubaa A., Li Z., Jarray F. Multi-agent Adaptive Architecture For Flexible Distributed Real-time Systems Ieee Access IEEE Jan-2018 4.10 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Chaari I., Koubaa A., Bennaceur H., Ammar A., Alajlan M., Youssef H. Design And Performance Analysis Of Global Path Planning Techniques For Autonomous Mobile Robots In Grid Environments International Journal Of Advanced Robotic Systems SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC. Jan-2017 1.22 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Karoui O., Khalgui M., Koubaa A., Guerfala E., Li Z., Tovar E. Dual Mode For Vehicular Platoon Safety: Simulation And Formal Verification Information Sciences ELSEVIER INC. Jan-2017 5.52 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Trigui S., Cheikhrouhou O., Koubaa A., Baroudi U., Youssef H. Fl-mtsp: A Fuzzy Logic Approach To Solve The Multi-objective Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem For Multi-robot Systems Soft Computing SPRINGER VERLAG Jan-2017 2.78 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Koubaa A., Cheikhrouhou O., Bennaceur H., Sriti M.-f., Javed Y., Ammar A. Move And Improve: A Market-based Mechanism For The Multiple Depot Multiple Travelling Salesmen Problem Journal Of Intelligent And Robotic Systems: Theory And Applications SPRINGER NETHERLANDS Jan-2017 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Allouch A., Koubaa A., Abbes T., Ammar A. Roadsense: Smartphone Application To Estimate Road Conditions Using Accelerometer And Gyroscope Ieee Sensors Journal IEEE Jan-2017 3.08 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Marco Antonio Simoes Teixeira, Flavio Neves-jr, Anis Koubaa, Lucia Valeria Ramos De Arruda And Andre Schneider De Oliveira A Quadral-fuzzy Control Approach To Flight Formation By A Fleet Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Ieee Access IEEE Apr-2020 4.10 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Fakheraldin Y. O. Abdalla, Longwen Wu, Hikmat Ullah, Guanghui Ren, Alam Noor, Hassan Mkindu & Yaqin Zhao Deep Convolutional Neural Network Application To Classify The Ecg Arrhythmia Signal, Image And Video Processing SPRINGER Apr-2020 1.89 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Uthman Baroudi, Moahamad Alshaboti, Anis Koubaa And Sahar Trigui Dynamic Multi-objective Auction-based (dymo-auction) Task Allocation Applied Sciences MDPI May-2020 2.22 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Abizar, Haleem Farman, Bilal Jan, Zahid Khan, Anis Koubaa A Smart Energy‐based Source Location Privacy Preservation Model For Internet Of Things‐based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Transactions On Emerging Telecommunications Technologies WILEY May-2020 1.25 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Wameedh Riyadh Abdul-adheem, Ibraheem Kasim Ibraheem, Ahmad Taher Azar, Amjad J. Humaidi Improved Active Disturbance Rejection-based Decentralized Control For Mimo Nonlinear Systems: Comparison With The Decoupled Control Scheme Applied Sciences MDPI Apr-2020 2.22 Q1 CCIS OTHER RIOTU LAB
Ghusn Abdul Redha Ibraheem, Ahmad Taher Azar, Ibraheem Kasim Ibraheem, Amjad J. Humaidi A Novel Design Of A Neural Network-based Fractional Pid Controller For Mobile Robots Using Hybridized Fruit Fly And Particle Swarm Optimization Complexity HINDAWI Apr-2020 2.59 Q1 CCIS OTHER RIOTU LAB
Longlong Liu, Di Ma, Ahmad Taher Azar, Quanmin Zhu Neural Computing Enhanced Parameter Estimation For Multi-input And Multi-output Total Non-linear Dynamic Models Entropy MDPI Apr-2020 2.42 Q2 CCIS OTHER RIOTU LAB
Fatin Hassan Ajeil, Ibraheem Kasim Ibraheem, Ahmad Taher Azar, Amjad J. Humaidi Grid-based Mobile Robot Path Planning Using Aging-based Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm In Static And Dynamic Environments Sensors MDPI Mar-2020 3.03 Q1 CCIS OTHER RIOTU LAB
Amina Aicha Khennaoui, Adel Ouannas, Salah Boulaaras, Viet-thanh Pham, Ahmad Taher Azar A Fractional Map With Hidden Attractors: Chaos And Control European Physical Journal: Special Topics SPRINGER Mar-2020 1.66 Q2 CCIS OTHER RIOTU LAB
Sihem Ghoudelbourk, Ahmad Taher Azar, Djalel Dib, Amar Omeiri Selective Harmonic Elimination Strategy In The Multilevel Inverters For Grid Connected Photovoltaic System Int. J. Advanced Intelligence Paradigms INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS Mar-2020 Q3 CCIS OTHER RIOTU LAB
Jothi G, Hannah Inbarani, Ahmad Taher Azar, Anis Koubaa, Nashwa Ahmad Kamal, Khaled M. Fouad Improved Dominance Soft Set Based Decision Rules With Pruning For Leukemia Image Classification Electronics MDPI May-2020 1.76 Q1 CCIS OTHER RIOTU LAB
Nagwa M. Aboelenein, Piao Songhao, Anis Koubaa, Alam Noor, Ahmed Afifi Httu-net: Hybrid Two Track U-net For Automatic Brain Tumor Segmentation Ieee Access IEEE May-2020 4.10 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Fakhar Abbas, Gang Liu, Pingzhi Fan, Zahid Khan An Efficient Cluster Based Resource Management Scheme And Its Performance Analysis For V2x Networks Ieee Access IEEE May-2020 4.10 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Alam Noor, Yaqin Zhao, Anis Koubaa, Longwen Wu, Rahim Khan, Fakheraldin Y.o. Abdalla Automated Sheep Facial Expression Classification Using Deep Transfer Learning Computers And Electronics In Agriculture ELSEVIER Jun-2020 3.17 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Shanshan Tu, Yuan Meng, Waqas Muhammad, Sadaqat Rehman, Iftekhar Ahmad, Anis Koubaa, Zahid Halim, Muhammad Hanif, Chin-chen Chang And Chengjie Shi Mobile Fog Computing Security: A User-oriented Smart Attack Defense Strategy Based On Dql Computer Communications ELSEVIER Jun-2020 2.82 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Wameedh Riyadh Abdul-adheem , Ahmad Taher Azar, Ibraheem Kasim Ibraheem And Amjad J. Humaidi Novel Active Disturbance Rejection Control Based On Nested Linear Extended State Observers Applied Sciences MDPI Jun-2020 2.47 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Aws Abdulsalam Najm, Ibraheem Kasim Ibraheem, Ahmad Taher Azar, Amjad J. Humaidi Genetic Optimization-based Consensus Control Of Multi-agent 6-dof Uav System Sensors MDPI Jun-2020 3.28 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Amjad J. Humaidi, Ibraheem Kasim Ibraheem, Ahmad Taher Azar, Musaab E. Sadiq A New Adaptive Synergetic Control Design For Single Link Robot Arm Actuated By Pneumatic Muscles Entropy MDPI Jun-2020 2.49 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Zahid Khan, Anis Koubaa, Haleem Farman Smart Route: Internet-of-vehicles (iov)-based Congestion Detection And Avoidance (iov-based Cda) Using Rerouting Planning Applied Sciences MDPI Jun-2020 2.47 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Zahid Khan, Sangsha Fang, Anis Koubaa, Pingzhi Fan, Fakhar Abbas, Haleem Farman Street-centric Routing Scheme Using Ant Colony Optimization-based Clustering For Bus-based Vehicular Ad-hoc Network Computers & Electrical Engineering ELSEVIER Jun-2020 2.66 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Anis Koubaa, Abdulrahman Aldawood, Bassel Saeed, Abdullatif Hadid, Mohanned Ahmed, Abdulrahman Saad, Hesham Alkhouja, Adel Ammar, Mohamed Alkanhal Smart Palm: An Iot Framework For Red Palm Weevil Early Detection Agronomy MDPI Jul-2020 2.60 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Iqra Mustafa, Hasnain Mustafa, Ahmad Taher Azar, Sheraz Aslam, Syed Muhammad Mohsin, Muhammad Bilal Qureshi, Nouman Ashraf Noise Free Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Over Non-associative Algebra Ieee Access IEEE Jul-2020 3.75 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Sangsha Fang; Hongyang Chen; Zahid Khan; Pingzhi Fan Stochastic Delay Guarantee Of Wireless Dual-hop Networks With Interference-limited Relay Ieee Wireless Communications Letters IEEE Jan-2021 4.66 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Anis Koubaa, Adel Ammar, Mahmoud Alahdab, Anas Kanhouch, Ahmad Taher Azar Deepbrain: Experimental Evaluation Of Cloud-based Computation Offloading And Edge Computing In The Internet-of-drones For Deep Learning Applications Sensors MDPI Sep-2020 3.28 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Shanshan Tu, Sadaqat Ur Rehman, Muhammad Waqas, Obaid Ur Rehman, Zubair Shah, Zhongliang Yang & Anis Koubaa Modpso-cnn: An Evolutionary Convolution Neural Network With Application To Visual Recognition Soft Computing SPRINGER Sep-2020 3.05 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Lahouari Ghouti And Muhammad Imam Malware Classification Using Compact Image Features And Multiclass Support Vector Machines Iet Information Security Institution of Engineering and Technology Jun-2020 1.07 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Amjad Abuhassan, Mohammad Alshayeb And Lahouari Ghouti Software Smell Detection Techniques: A Systematic Literature Review Journal Of Software: Evolution And Process WILEY Oct-2020 1.18 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Sankar Sennan, Somula Ramasubbareddy, Ashish Kr. Luhach, Anand Nayyar And Basit Qureshi Ct-rpl: Cluster Tree Based Routing Protocol To Maximize The Lifetime Of Internet Of Things Sensors MDPI Oct-2020 3.28 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Md Belal Bin Heyat, Faijan Akhtar, Asif Khan, Alam Noor, Bilel Benjdira, Yumna Qamar, Syed Jafar Abbas And Dakun Lai A Novel Hybrid Machine Learning Classification For The Detection Of Bruxism Patients Using Physiological Signals Applied Sciences MDPI Oct-2020 2.47 Q1 CCIS SE RIOTU LAB
Rajalakshmi Krishnamurthi, Adarsh Kumar, Dhanalekshmi Gopinathan, Anand Nayyar, Basit Qureshi An Overview Of Iot Sensor Data Processing, Fusion, And Analysis Techniques Sensors MDPI Oct-2020 3.28 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Anujkumar Singh, Arun Solanki, Anand Nayyar And Basit Qureshi Elliptic Curve Signcryption-based Mutual Authentication Protocol For Smart Cards Applied Sciences MDPI Nov-2020 2.47 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Muhammad Ijaz, Gang Li, Huiquan Wang, Ahmed M. El-sherbeeny, Yussif Moro Awelisah, Ling Lin, Anis Koubaa, Alam Noor Intelligent Fog-enabled Smart Healthcare System For Wearable Physiological Parameter Detection Electronics MDPI Nov-2020 2.41 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Khalid Haseeb , Naveed Islam , Yasir Javed , And Usman Tariq A Lightweight Secure And Energy-efficient Fog-based Routing Protocol For Constraint Sensors Network Energies MDPI Dec-2020 2.70 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Muhammad Roman, Abdul Shahid, Shafiullah Khan, Anis Koubaa, And Lisu Yu Citation Intent Classification Using Word Embedding Ieee Access IEEE Jan-2021 3.75 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Sayar Shekhawat, Harish Sharma, Sandeep Kumar, Anand Nayyar, Basit Qureshi Bssa: Binary Salp Swarm Algorithm With Hybrid Data Transformation For Feature Selection Ieee Access IEEE Jan-2021 3.75 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Anis Koubaa, Adel Ammar, Anas Kanhouch And Yasser Alhabashi Cloud Versus Edge Deployment Strategies Of Real-time Face Recognition Inference Transactions On Network Science And Engineering IEEE Feb-2021 5.21 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Raafat Shalaby, Hossam Hassan Ammar, Ahmad Taher Azar, Mohamed I. Mahmoud Optimal Fractional-order Fuzzy-mppt For Solar Water Pumping System Journal Of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems IOS Press Jan-2021 1.85 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Sihem Ghoudelbourk, Ahmad Taher Azar, Djalel Dib Three-level (npc) Shunt Active Power Filter Based On Fuzzy Logic And Fractional-order Pi Controller International Journal Of Automation And Control INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS Jan-2021 0.00 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Aarti Chugh, Vivek Kumar Sharma, Sandeep Kumar, Anand Nayyar, Basit Qureshi, Manjot Kaur Bhatia, Charu Jain Spider Monkey Crow Optimization Algorithm With Deep Learning For Sentiment Classification And Information Retrieval Ieee Access IEEE Jan-2021 3.75 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Bilal Shoaib, Yasir Javed , Muhammad Adnan Khan, Fahad Ahmad , Rizwan Majeed , Muhammad Saqib Nawaz , Muhammad Adeel Ashraf, Abid Iqbal And Muhammad Idrees Prediction Of Time Series Empowered With A Novel Srekrls Algorithm Cmc-computers Materials & Continua Tech Science Press Feb-2021 4.89 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Steve Olsen Maikol, Adnan Shahid Khan, Yasir Javed, Anderson Lau Anak Bunsu, Chelsten Petrus, Heindwick George, Simon Jau A Novel Authentication And Key Agreement Scheme For Countering Mitm And Impersonation Attack In Medical Facilities International Journal Of Integrated Engineering Penerbit UTHM Feb-2021 0.00 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Zahid Khan, Anis Koubaa, Sangsha Fang, Mi Young Lee, Khan Muhammad A Connectivity-based Clustering Scheme For Intelligent Vehicles Applied Sciences MDPI Mar-2021 2.47 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Saood Iqbal, Abdul Shahid, Muhammad Roman, Zahid Khan, Shaha Al-otaibi And Lisu Yu Tkfim: Top-k Frequent Itemset Mining Technique Based On Equivalence Classes Peerj Computer Science PeerJ Inc. Mar-2021 3.09 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar; Ahmed M. Anter; Khaled M. Fouad Intelligent System For Feature Selection Based On Rough Set And Chaotic Binary Grey Wolf Optimisation International Journal Of Computer Applications In Technology INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS Jun-2020 0.00 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar; Fernando E. Serrano; Josep M. Rossell; Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan; Quanmin Zhu Adaptive Self-recurrent Wavelet Neural Network And Sliding Mode Controller/observer For A Slider Crank Mechanism International Journal Of Computer Applications In Technology INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS Oct-2020 0.00 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Adel Ouannas; Ahmad Taher Azar; Toufik Ziar Fractional Inverse Full State Hybrid Projective Synchronisation International Journal Of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS Sep-2020 0.00 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Soukaina Mjahed, Khadija Bouzaachane, Ahmad Taher Azar, Salah El Hadaj, Said Raghay Hybridization Of Fuzzy And Hard Semi-supervised Clustering Algorithms Tuned With Ant Lion Optimizer Applied To Higgs Boson Search Computer Modeling In Engineering And Sciences INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS Oct-2020 0.81 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Faisal Jamil, Harun Jamil, Omar Cheikhrouhou, Anis Koubaa, Abdelouahid Derhab, Mohamed Amine Ferrag Petroblock: A Blockchain-based Payment Mechanism For Fueling Smart Vehicles Applied Sciences MDPI Mar-2021 2.47 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Marwa Ben Jabra, Anis Koubaa, Bilel Benjdira, Adel Ammar, And Habib Hamam Covid-19 Diagnosis In Chest X-rays Using Deep Learning And Majority Voting ِapplied Sciences MDPI Mar-2021 2.47 Q1 CCIS SE RIOTU LAB
Adel Ammar, Anis Koubaa, Mohanned Ahmed, Abdulrahman Saad, Bilel Benjdira Vehicle Detection From Aerial Images Using Deep Learning: A Comparative Study Electronics MDPI Mar-2021 2.41 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Adnan Shahid Khan, Yasir Javed, Johari Abdullah, Kartinah Zen Trust-based Lightweight Security Protocol For Device To Device Multihop Cellular Communication (tlws) Journal Of Ambient Intelligence And Humanized Computing SPRINGER Mar-2021 4.59 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Amjad J Humaidi , Huda T Najem, Ayad Q Al-dujaili, Daniel A Pereira, Ibraheem Kasim Ibraheem And Ahmad Taher Azar Social Spider Optimization Algorithm For Tuning Parameters In Pd-like Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller Applied To A Parallel Robot Measurement And Control SAGE Mar-2021 1.49 Q4 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Muhammad Kazim; Ahmad Taher Azar; Anis Koubaa; Adeel Zaidi Disturbance-rejection-based Optimized Robust Adaptive Controllers For Uavs Ieee Systems Journal IEEE Apr-2021 3.99 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Aws Abdulsalam Najm, Ibraheem Kasim Ibraheem, Amjad J. Humaidi, Ahmad Taher Azar Output Tracking And Feedback Stabilization For 6-dof Uav Using An Enhanced Active Disturbance Rejection Control International Journal Of Intelligent Unmanned Systems EMERALD PUBLISHING LIMITED Mar-2021 0.00 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Alaa Khamis , Jun Meng , Jin Wang , Ahmad Taher Azar , Edson Prestes , Howard Li , Ibrahim A. Hameed , ´arpad Takacs, Imre J. Rudas, And Tamas Haidegger Robotics And Intelligent Systems Against A Pandemic Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Obuda University Apr-2021 1.22 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar; Anis Koubaa; Nada Ali Mohamed; Habiba Abd El Salam Ibrahim; Zahra Fathy Ibrahim; Mohammed Kazim; Adel Ammar; Bilel Benjdira; Alaa Khamis; Ibrahim A. Hameed; Gabriella Casalino Drone Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Review Electronics MDPI Apr-2021 2.41 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Azza Allouch, Omar Cheikhrouhou, Anis Koubaa, Khalifa Toumi, Mohamed Khalgui, Tuan Nguyen Gia Utm-chain: Blockchain-based Secure Unmanned Traffic Management For Internet Of Drones Sensors MDPI Apr-2021 3.28 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ramana Pilla, Tulasichandra Sekhar Gorripotu, Ahmad Taher Azar Tuning Of Extended Kalman Filter Using Grey Wolf Optimisation For Speed Control Of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive International Journal Of Automation And Control INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS Jul-2021 0.00 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Arif A. Al-qassar, Ayad Q. Al-dujaili, Alaq F. Hasan, Amjad J. Humaidi , Ibraheem K. Ibraheem, Ahmad Taher Azar Stabilization Of Single-axis Propeller-powered System For Aircraft Applications Based On Optimal Adaptive Control Design Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology Taylor's University May-2021 0.00 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Mustafa Abdul Salam, Ahmad Taher Azar, Mustafa Samy Elgendy, Khaled Mohamed Fouad The Effect Of Different Dimensionality Reduction Techniques On Machine Learning Overfitting Problem International Journal Of Advanced Computer Science And Applications Science and Information Organization May-2021 0.00 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
D V N Ananth, L V Suresh Kumar, Dr. G T Chandra Sekhar, Ahmad Taher Azar Design Of A Fuzzy Logic Controller For Short-term Load Forecasting With Randomly Varying Load International Journal Of Sociotechnology And Knowledge Development IGI Global Publishing Oct-2021 0.00 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ricky Mohanty, Subhendu Pani, Ahmad Taher Azar Recognition Of Livestock Disease Using Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System International Journal Of Sociotechnology And Knowledge Development IGI Global Publishing Sep-2021 0.00 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Amel Bouchemha; Ahmad Taher Azar; Yousfi Laatra; Chouaib Souaidia; Djallel Dib Sensor And Sensorless Speed Control Of Doubly-fed Induction Machine International Journal Of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS May-2021 0.00 Q4 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Samir Abdelmalek, Ahmad Taher Azar, Djalel Dib Fuzzy Fault-tolerant Control For Doubly Fed Induction Generator In Wind Energy Conversion System International Journal Of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS Jul-2021 0.00 Q4 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Hamid Hamiche, Karim Kemih, Sid-ali Addouche, Ahmad Taher Azar, Rafik Saddaoui, Mourad Laghrouche Hardware Implementation Of A New Chaotic Secured Transmission System International Journal Of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS Jun-2021 0.00 Q4 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Mohammed A. El-shorbagy, Aboul Ella Hassanien, Ahmad Taher Azar Circular Local Search For Unconstrained Optimization Problems International Journal Of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS Dec-2021 0.00 Q4 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Nauman Khan, Rosli Bin Salleh, Ihsan Ali, Zahid Khan, Noman Mazhar, Roobaea Alroobaea, Fahad Almansour, Usman Ali Enabling Reachability Across Multiple Domains Without Controller Synchronization In Sdn Computers, Materials And Continua Tech Science Press Jun-2021 4.89 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Munirah Alkhelaiwi, Wadii Boulila, Jawad Ahmad, Anis Koubaa And Maha Driss An Efficient Approach Based On Privacy-preserving Deep Learning For Satellite Image Classification Remote Sensing MDPI Jun-2021 4.51 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
R. K. Beniwal, M. K. Saini, A. Nayyar, B. Qureshi And A. Aggarwal A Critical Analysis Of Methodologies For Detection And Classification Of Power Quality Events In Smart Grid Ieee Access IEEE Jun-2021 3.75 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Adel Ammar, Anis Koubaa, Bilel Benjdira Deep-learning-based Automated Palm Tree Counting And Geolocation In Large Farms From Aerial Geotagged Images Agronomy MDPI Jul-2021 2.60 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ahmed R. Ajel, Amjad J. Humaidi, Ibraheem Kasim Ibraheem, Ahmad Taher Azar Robust Model Reference Adaptive Control For Tail-sitter Vtol Aircraft Actuators MDPI Jul-2021 1.96 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Arif A. Al-qassar, Ahmed I. Abdulkareem, Alaq F. Hasan, Amjad J. Humaidi, Ibraheem Kasim Ibraheem, Ahmad Taher Azar, Akram H. Hameed Grey-wolf Optimization Better Enhances The Dynamic Performance Of Roll Motion For Tailsitter Vtol Aircraft Guided And Controlled By Stsmc Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology Taylor's University Jun-2021 0.00 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Sarra Guefrechi, Marwa Ben Jabra, Adel Ammar, Anis Koubaa, And Habib Hamam Deep Learning Based Detection Of Covid-19 From Chest X-ray Images Multimedia Tools And Applications Springer Jul-2021 2.31 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Zainab Iftikhar, Yasir Javed, Syed Yawar Abbas Zaidi, Munam Ali Shah, Zafar Iqbal Khan, Shafaq Mussadiq, And Kamran Abbasi Privacy Preservation In Resource-constrained Iot Devices Using Blockchain—a Survey Electronics MDPI Jul-2021 2.41 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Khaled M. Fouad, Mahmoud M. Ismail, Ahmad Taher Azar, Mona M. Arafa Advanced Methods For Missing Values Imputation Based On Similarity Learning Peerj Computer Science PeerJ Inc. Jul-2021 3.09 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Shanjun Zhan, Lisu Yu, Zhen Wang, Yichen Du, Yan Yu, Qinghua Cao, Shuping Dang, Zahid Khan Cell Traffic Prediction Based On Convolutional Neural Network For Software-defined Ultra-dense Visible Light Communication Networks Security And Communication Networks HINDAWI Aug-2021 1.79 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Qinghua Cao, Lisu Yu, Zhen Wang , Shanjun Zhan, Hao Quan, Yan Yu, Zahid Khan, Anis Koubaa Wild Animal Information Collection Based On Depthwise Separable Convolution In Software Defined Iot Networks Electronics MDPI Aug-2021 2.40 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Hassan Nazeer Chaudhry, Yasir Javed, Farzana Kulsoom, Zahid Mehmood, Zafar Iqbal Khan, Umar Shoaib, Sadaf Hussain Janjua Sentiment Analysis Of Before And After Elections: Twitter Data Of U.s. Election 2020 Electronics (switzerland) MDPI Aug-2021 2.40 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Rashid Ali; Ran Liu; Yongping He; Anand Nayyar; Basit Qureshi Systematic Review Of Dynamic Multi-object Identification And Localization: Techniques And Technologies Ieee Access IEEE Aug-2021 3.37 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Safa Ben Atitallah, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila, Anis Koubaa, Henda Ben Ghezala Fusion Of Convolutional Neural Networks Based On Dempster–shafer Theory For Automatic Pneumonia Detection From Chest X-ray Images International Journal Of Imaging Systems And Technology Wiley Sep-2021 2.00 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Mahmood Safaei, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila, Elankovan A. Sundararajan, Mitra Safaei Global Outliers Detection In Wireless Sensor Networks: A Novel Approach Integrating Time-series Analysis, Entropy, And Random Forest-based Classification Software - Practice And Experience Wiley Sep-2021 2.03 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Safa Ben Atitallah, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila, Henda Ben Ghezala Randomly Initialized Convolutional Neural Network For The Recognition Of Covid-19 Using X-ray Images International Journal Of Imaging Systems And Technology Wiley Sep-2021 2.00 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar , Fernando E. Serrano, Quanmin Zhu, Maamar Bettayeb, Giuseppe Fusco, Jing Na, Weicun Zhang, Nashwa Ahmad Kamal Robust Stabilization And Synchronization Of A Novel Chaotic System With Input Saturation Constraints Entropy MDPI Aug-2021 2.52 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Sajjad Khan; Muhammad Bilal Amin; Ahmad Taher Azar; Sheraz Aslam Towards Interoperable Blockchains: A Survey On The Role Of Smart Contracts In Blockchain Interoperability Ieee Access IEEE Aug-2021 3.37 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Amil Daraz, Suheel Abdullah Malik, Athar Waseem, Ahmad Taher Azar, Ihsan Ul Haq, Zahid Ullah, Sheraz Aslam Automatic Generation Control Of Multi-source Interconnected Power System Using Foi-td Controller Energies MDPI Sep-2021 3.00 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ghulam Mustafa; Muhammad Usman; Muhammad Tanvir Afzal; Abdul Shahid; Anis Koubaa A Comprehensive Evaluation Of Metadata-based Features To Classify Research Paper’s Topics Ieee Access IEEE Sep-2021 3.37 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Salam J. Yaqoob, Ameer L. Saleh, Saad Motahhir, Ephraim B. Agyekum, Anand Nayyar & Basit Qureshi Comparative Study With Practical Validation Of Photovoltaic Monocrystalline Module For Single And Double Diode Models Scientific Reports Nature Publishing Group Sep-2021 4.38 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Shahzad Aslam, Nasir Ayub, Umer Farooq, Muhammad Junaid Alvi, Fahad R. Albogamy, Gul Rukh, Syed Irtaza Haider, Ahmad Taher Azar, Rasool Bukhsh Towards Electric Price And Load Forecasting Using Cnn-based Ensembler In Smart Grid Sustainability MDPI Nov-2021 3.25 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Elfouly, Fatma H., Rabie A. Ramadan, Ahmed Y. Khedr, Kusum Yadav, Ahmad T. Azar, And Mohamed A. Abdelhamed Efficient Node Deployment Of Large-scale Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks Applied Sciences (switzerland) MDPI Nov-2021 2.68 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Shahid Latif, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila, Zil E Huma, Sajjad Shaukat Jamal, Zeba Idrees, Jawad Ahmad Deep Learning For The Industrial Internet Of Things (iiot): A Comprehensive Survey Of Techniques, Implementation Frameworks, Potential Applications, And Future Directions Sensors MDPI Nov-2021 3.58 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Sangsha Fang; Hongyang Chen; Zahid Khan; Pingzhi Fan User Fairness Aware Power Allocation For Noma-assisted Video Transmission With Adaptive Quality Adjustment Publisher: Ieee Cite This Pdf Ieee Transactions On Vehicular Technology IEEE Nov-2021 5.98 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Haider Ali, Haleem Farman, Hikmat Yar, Zahid Khan, Shabana Habib & Adel Ammar Deep Learning-based Election Results Prediction Using Twitter Activity Soft Computing SPRINGER Aug-2022 3.64 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Fawad Masood, Junaid Masood, Lejun Zhang, Sajjad Shaukat Jamal, Wadii Boulila, Sadaqat Ur Rehman, Fadia Ali Khan, Jawad Ahmad A New Color Image Encryption Technique Using Dna Computing And Chaos-based Substitution Box Soft Computing SPRINGER Dec-2021 3.64 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Rashid Ali; Ran Liu; Anand Nayyar; Basit Qureshi; Zhiqiang Cao Tightly Coupling Fusion Of Uwb Ranging And Imu Pedestrian Dead Reckoning For Indoor Localization Ieee Access IEEE Dec-2021 3.37 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Rashad Mahmood Saqib, Adnan Shahid Khan, Yasir Javed, Shakil Ahmad, Kashif Nisar, Irshad A. Abbasi, Muhammad Reazul Haque, Azlina Ahmadi Julaihi Analysis And Intellectual Structure Of The Multi-factor Authentication In Information Security Intelligent Automation And Soft Computing Tech Science Press Dec-2021 1.65 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Nasser, Ahmed R., Ahmad T. Azar, Amjad J. Humaidi, Ammar K. Al-mhdawi, And Ibraheem K. Ibraheem Intelligent Fault Detection And Identification Approach For Analog Electronic Circuits Based On Fuzzy Logic Classifier Electronics (switzerland) MDPI Nov-2021 2.40 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Rahul Agarwal; Narpat Singh Shekhawat; Sandeep Kumar; Anand Nayyar; Basit Qureshi Improved Feature Selection Method For The Identification Of Soil Images Using Oscillating Spider Monkey Optimization Ieee Access IEEE Dec-2021 3.37 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Varone, Giuseppe, Wadii Boulila, Michele Lo Giudice, Bilel Benjdira, Nadia Mammone, Cosimo Ieracitano, Kia Dashtipour, Sabrina Neri, Sara Gasparini, Francesco C. Morabito, Amir Hussain, And Umberto Aguglia. A Machine Learning Approach Involving Functional Connectivity Features To Classify Rest-eeg Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizures From Healthy Controls Sensors MDPI Dec-2021 3.58 Q2 CCIS SE RIOTU LAB
Shazia Maqsood, Abdul Shahid, Muhammad Tanvir Afzal, Muhammad Roman, Zahid Khan, Zubair Nawaz, Muhammad Haris Aziz Assessing English Language Sentences Readability Using Machine Learning Models Peerj Computer Science PeerJ Inc. Jan-2022 1.39 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Wameedh Riyadh Abdul-adheem, Ibraheem Kasim Ibraheem, Amjad J Humaidi, Ahmad Taher Azar Model-free Active Input–output Feedback Linearization Of A Single-link Flexible Joint Manipulator: An Improved Active Disturbance Rejection Control Approach Measurement And Control SAGE Dec-2021 1.70 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ramana Pilla; Tulasichandra Sekhar Gorripotu; Ahmad Taher Azar Design And Analysis Of Search Group Algorithm-based Pd-pid Controller Plus Redox Flow Battery For Automatic Generation Control Problem International Journal Of Computer Applications In Technology INDERSCIENCE PUBLISHERS Dec-2021 0.00 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Yousra Ben Aissa, Abdelmalik Bachir, Mohamed Khalgui, Anis Koubaa, Zhiwu Li, Ting Qu On Feasibility Of Multichannel Reconfigurable Wireless Sensor Networks Under Real-time And Energy Constraints Ieee Transactions On Systems, Man, And Cybernetics: Systems IEEE Mar-2021 13.45 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Marco Antonio Simoes Teixeira, Flavio Neves-jr, Anis Koubaa, Lucia Valeria Ramos De Arruda, And Andre Schneider De Oliveira Deepspatial: Intelligent Spatial Sensor To Perception Of Things Ieee Sensors Journal IEEE Feb-2021 3.07 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ridha Mezzi, Aymen Yahyaoui, Mohamed Wassim Krir, Wadii Boulila, Anis Koubaa Mental Health Intent Recognition For Arabic-speaking Patients Using The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (mini) And Bert Model Sensors MDPI Jan-2022 3.58 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Hamza Ghandorh, Wadii Boulila, Sharjeel Masood, Anis Koubaa, Fawad Ahmed, Jawad Ahmad Semantic Segmentation And Edge Detection—approach To Road Detection In Very High Resolution Satellite Images Remote Sensing MDPI Jan-2022 4.85 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Mahdi Jemmali; M Denden; Wadii Boulila; Rutvij H Jhaveri; Gautam Srivastava; Thippa Reddy Gadekallu A Novel Model Based On Window-pass Preferences For Data-emergency-aware Scheduling In Computer Networks Ieee Transactions On Industrial Informatics IEEE Feb-2022 10.22 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Mohammad Zubair Khan, Arindam Sarkar, Hamza Ghandorh, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila Information Fusion In Autonomous Vehicle Using Artificial Neural Group Key Synchronization Sensors MDPI Feb-2022 3.58 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Zouhayra Ayadi, Wadii Boulila, Imed Riadh Farah, Aurélie Leborgne, Pierre Gançarski Resolution Methods For Constraint Satisfaction Problem In Remote Sensing Field: A Survey Of Static And Dynamic Algorithms Ecological Informatics ELSEVIER Feb-2022 3.14 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Iqra Khurshid, Salma Imtiaz, Wadii Boulila, Zahid Khan, Almas Abbasi, Abdul Rehman Javed, Zunera Jalil Classification Of Non-functional Requirements From Iot Oriented Healthcare Requirement Document Frontiers In Public Health Frontiers Media S.A. Mar-2022 3.71 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Adnan Shahid Khan, Yasir Javed, Rashad Mahmood Saqib, Zeeshan Ahmad, Johari Abdullah, Kartinah Zen, Irshad Ahmed Abbasi, Nayeem Ahmad Khan Lightweight Multifactor Authentication Scheme For Nextgen Cellular Networks Ieee Access IEEE Mar-2022 3.37 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Shivani Batra, Rohan Khurana, Mohammad Zubair Khan, Wadii Boulila, Anis Koubaa, Prakash Srivastava A Pragmatic Ensemble Strategy For Missing Values Imputation In Health Records Entropy MDPI Apr-2022 2.52 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Haleem Farman, Taimoor Khan, Zahid Khan, Shabana Habib, Muhammad Islam, Adel Ammar Real-time Face Mask Detection To Ensure Covid-19 Precautionary Measures In The Developing Countries Applied Sciences (switzerland) MDPI Apr-2022 2.68 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Fawad Masood, Wadii Boulila, Abdullah Alsaeedi, Jan Sher Khan, Jawad Ahmad, Muazzam A Khan, Sadaqat Ur Rehman A Novel Image Encryption Scheme Based On Arnold Cat Map, Newton-leipnik System And Logistic Gaussian Map Multimedia Tools And Applications SPRINGER Apr-2022 2.76 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Enio Vasconcelos Filho, Pedro M. Santos, Ricardo Severino, Anis Koubaa, Eduardo Tovar Improving The Performance Of Cooperative Platooning With Restricted Message Trigger Thresholds Ieee Access IEEE Apr-2022 3.37 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Amjad Abuhassan, Mohammad Alshayeb, And Lahouari Ghouti Detection Of Design Smells Using Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Approaches International Journal Of Fuzzy Systems SPRINGER Feb-2022 4.67 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Amjad Abuhassan, Mohammad Alshayeb, And Lahouari Ghouti Prioritization Of Model Smell Refactoring Using A Covariance Matrix-based Adaptive Evolution Algorithm Information And Software Technology ELSEVIER Feb-2022 2.73 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Mohammed Alqmase, Mohammad Alshayeb, And Lahouari Ghouti Quality Assessment Framework To Rank Software Projects Automated Software Engineering SPRINGER May-2022 1.27 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Tanzeela Shakeel, Shaista Habib, Wadii Boulila, Anis Koubaa, Abdul Rehman Javed, Muhammad Rizwan, Thippa Reddy Gadekallu, Mahmood Sufiyan A Survey On Covid-19 Impact In The Healthcare Domain: Worldwide Market Implementation, Applications, Security And Privacy Issues, Challenges And Future Prospects Complex & Intelligent Systems SPRINGER May-2022 4.93 NO RANK CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Mohammed Rasool, Nor Azman Ismail, Wadii Boulila, Adel Ammar, Hussein Samma, Wael M. S. Yafooz, And Abdel-hamid M. Emara A Hybrid Deep Learning Model For Brain Tumour Classification Entropy MDPI Jun-2022 2.52 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Haleem Farman, Zahid Khan, Bilal Jan, Wadii Boulila, Shabana Habib, Anis Koubaa Smart Transportation In Developing Countries: An Internet-of-things-based Conceptual Framework For Traffic Control Wireless Communications And Mobile Computing HINDAWI Jun-2022 2.34 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Mushtaq Ahmad, Zahid Khan, Anis Koubaa, Wadii Boulia A Microscopic Platoon Stability Model Using Vehicle-to-vehicle Communication Electronics (switzerland) MDPI Jun-2022 2.40 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Muhammad Arif Butt, Zarafshan Ajmal, Zafar Iqbal Khan, Muhammad Idrees, Yasir Javed An In-depth Survey Of Bypassing Buffer Overflow Mitigation Techniques Applied Sciences (switzerland) MDPI Jan-2022 2.68 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Rihab Chaari, Omar Cheikhrouhou, Anis Koubaa, Habib Youssef, Tuan Nguyen Gia Dynamic Computation Offloading For Ground And Flying Robots: Taxonomy, State Of Art, And Future Directions Computer Science Review Elsevier Ireland Ltd Jul-2022 7.87 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Souad Larabi-marie-sainte , Sawsan Alhalawani , Sara Shaheen , Khaled Mohamad Almustafa , Tanzila Saba , Fatima Nayer Khan , Amjad Rehman Forecasting Covid19 Parameters Using Time-series: Ksa, Usa, Spain, And Brazil Comparative Case Study Heliyon ELSEVIER Jun-2022 0.00 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Bilel Benjdira, Anis Koubaa, Ahmad Taher Azar, Zahid Khan, Adel Ammar, Wadii Boulila Tau: A Framework For Video-based Traffic Analytics Leveraging Artificial Intelligence And Unmanned Aerial Systems Engineering Applications Of Artificial Intelligence ELSEVIER Jul-2022 7.80 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Zia Ullah, Muhammad Ismail Mohmand, Sadaqat Ur Rehman, Muhammad Zubair, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila, Rayan Sheikh And Ibrahim Alwawi Emotion Recognition From Occluded Facial Images Using Deep Ensemble Model Computers, Materials And Continua Tech Science Press Jul-2022 3.86 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Y. Shahzad, H. Javed, H. Farman, Z. Khan, Moustafa. M. Nasralla, And A. Koubaa Optimized Distributive Cross-layer And Thermal-aware Convergecast Protocol For Wireless Body Area Network Ieee Access IEEE Aug-2022 3.48 Q1 CE CME RIOTU LAB
Mujeeb Ur Rehman, Arslan Shafique, Yazeed Yasin Ghadi, Wadii Boulila, Sana Ullah Jan, Thippa Reddy Gadekallu, Maha Driss, Jawad Ahmad A Novel Chaos-based Privacy-preserving Deep Learning Model For Cancer Diagnosis Ieee Transactions On Network Science And Engineering IEEE Aug-2022 5.03 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Wadii Boulila, Manel Khazri Khlifi, Adel Ammar, Anis Koubaa, Bilel Benjdira, Imed Riadh Farah A Hybrid Privacy-preserving Deep Learning Approach For Object Classification In Very High-resolution Satellite Images Remote Sensing MDPI Sep-2022 5.35 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Shivani Batra, Harsh Sharma, Wadii Boulila, Vaishali Arya, Prakash Srivastava, Mohammad Zubair Khan, Moez Krichen An Intelligent Sensor Based Decision Support System For Diagnosing Pulmonary Ailment Through Standardized Chest X-ray Scans Sensors MDPI Oct-2022 3.85 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Shamsa Kanwal, Saba Inam, Rashid Ali, Omar Cheikhrouhou, And Anis Koubaa Lightweight Noncommutative Key Exchange Protocol For Iot Environments Frontiers In Environmental Science Frontiers Media S.A. Sep-2022 5.41 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Asad Ullah, Awais Aziz Shah, Jan Sher Khan, Mazhar Sajjad, Wadii Boulila, Akif Akgul, Junaid Masood, Fuad A. Ghaleb, Jawad Ahmad An Efficient Lightweight Image Encryption Scheme Using Multichaos Security And Communication Networks HINDAWI Oct-2022 1.97 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Hend Liouane, Sana Messous, Omar Cheikhrouhou, Anis Koubaa, And Monia Hamdi Mobile Anchor And Kalman Filter Boosted Bounding Box For Localization In Wireless Sensor Networks Electronics (switzerland) MDPI Oct-2022 2.69 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Fawad Ahmed, Muneeb Ur Rehman, Jawad Ahmad, Muhammad Shahbaz Khan, Wadii Boulila, Gautam Srivastava, Jerry Chun-wei Lin, William J. Buchanan A Dna Based Colour Image Encryption Scheme Using A Convolutional Autoencoder Acm Transactions On Multimedia Computing, Communications And Applications Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Nov-2022 4.09 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Yazeed Yasin Ghadi, Suliman A. Alsuhibany, Jawad Ahmad, Harish Kumar, Wadii Boulila, Mohammed Alsaedi, Khyber Khan, Shahzad A. Bhatti Multi-chaos-based Lightweight Image Encryption-compression For Secure Occupancy Monitoring Journal Of Healthcare Engineering HINDAWI Nov-2022 3.82 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Abdelouahid Derhab, Omar Cheikhrouhou, Azza Allouch, Anis Koubaa, Basit Qureshi, Mohamed Amine Ferrag, Leandros Maglaras, Farrukh Aslam Khan Internet Of Drones Security: Taxonomies, Open Issues, And Future Directions Vehicular Communications ELSEVIER Nov-2022 8.37 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Atif A. Aljabri, Abdullah Alshanqiti, Ahmad B. Alkhodre, Ayyub Alzahem, Ahmed Hagag Extracting Feature Fusion And Co-saliency Clusters Using Transfer Learning Techniques For Improving Remote Sensing Scene Classification Optik Urban und Fischer Verlag Jena Dec-2022 2.84 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Mohamed Abdelkader, Mohamed Mabork, Anis Koubaa Octune: Optimal Control Tuning Using Real-time Data With Algorithm And Experimental Results Sensors MDPI Nov-2022 3.85 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Elumalai Perumal Venkatesan, Parthasarathy Murugesan, Sri Veera Venkata Satya Narayana Pichika 3 ,durga Venkatesh Janaki,yasir Javed , Z. Mahmoud,c Ahamed Saleel Effects Of Injection Timing And Antioxidant On Nox Reduction Of Ci Engine Fueled With Algae Biodiesel Blend Using Machine Learning Techniques Sustainability MDPI Dec-2022 3.89 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Khurram Shahzad, Shakeel Ahmad Khan, Yasir Javed, Abid Iqbal E-learning For Continuing Professional Development Of University Librarians: A Systematic Review Sustainability MDPI Dec-2022 3.89 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Adel Ammar, Anis Koubaa, Wadii Boulila, Bilel Benjdira, Yasser Alhabashi A Multi-stage Deep-learning-based Vehicle And License Plate Recognition System With Real-time Edge Inference Sensors MDPI Feb-2023 3.85 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Nauman Khan, Rosli Bin Salleh, Anis Koubaa, Zahid Khan, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Ihsan Ali Data Plane Failure And Its Recovery Techniques In Sdn: A Systematic Literature Review Journal Of King Saud University - Computer And Information Sciences King Saud University Feb-2023 8.84 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Anas M. Ali, Bilel Benjdira, Anis Koubaa, Walid El-shafai, Zahid Khan, Wadii Boulila Vision Transformers In Image Restoration: A Survey Sensors MDPI Feb-2023 3.85 Q1 CCIS SE RIOTU LAB
Omar Farooq, Parminder Singh, Mustapha Hedabou, Wadii Boulila, Bilel Benjdira Machine Learning Analytic-based Two-staged Data Management Framework For Internet Of Things Sensors MDPI Feb-2023 3.85 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Monica Dutta, Deepali Gupta, Yasir Javed, Khalid Mohiuddin, Sapna Juneja, Zafar Iqbal Khan, Ali Nauman Monitoring Root And Shoot Characteristics For The Sustainable Growth Of Barley Using An Iot-enabled Hydroponic System And Aquacrop Simulator Sustainability MDPI Mar-2023 3.89 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Muhammad Usman Hashmi, Muntazir Hussain, Muhammad Babar, Basit Qureshi Single-timestamp Skew Correction (stsc) In V2x Networks Electronics (switzerland) MDPI Mar-2023 2.69 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Vishnu Kumar Kaliappan, Sundharamurthy Gnanamurthy, Abid Yahya, Ravi Samikannu, Muhammad Babar, Basit Qureshi, Anis Koubaa Machine Learning Based Healthcare Service Dissemination Using Social Internet Of Things And Cloud Architecture In Smart Cities Sustainability MDPI Mar-2023 3.89 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Omar Cheikhrouhou, Khaleel Mershad, Faisal Jamil, Redowan Mahmud, Anis Koubaa, Sanaz Rahimi Moosavi A Lightweight Blockchain And Fog-enabled Secure Remote Patient Monitoring System Internet Of Things (netherlands) ELSEVIER Jan-2023 5.71 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Anis Koubaa, Adel Ammar, Mohamed Abdelkader, Yasser Alhabashi, Lahouari Ghouti Aero: Ai-enabled Remote Sensing Observation With Onboard Edge Computing In Uavs Remote Sensing MDPI Mar-2023 5.35 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Anas M. Ali, Bilel Benjdira, Anis Koubaa, Wadii Boulila, Walid El-shafai Tesr: Two-stage Approach For Enhancement And Super-resolution Of Remote Sensing Images Remote Sensing MDPI Apr-2023 5.35 Q1 CCIS SE RIOTU LAB
Haithem Mezni, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila, Safa Ben Atitallah, Mokhtar Sellami, Nouf Alharbi Smartwater: A Service-oriented And Sensor Cloud-based Framework For Smart Monitoring Of Water Environments Remote Sensing MDPI Feb-2022 5.35 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Blessed Ziyambe, Abid Yahya, Tawanda Mushiri, Muhammad Usman Tariq, Qaisar Abbas, Muhammad Babar, Mubarak Albathan, Muhammad Asim, Ayyaz Hussain, Sohail Jabbar A Deep Learning Framework For The Prediction And Diagnosis Of Ovarian Cancer In Pre- And Post-menopausal Women Diagnostics MDPI May-2023 3.99 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila, Haithem Mezni, Mokhtar Sellami, Safa Ben Atitallah, Nouf Alharbi An Evidence Theory Based Embedding Model For The Management Of Smart Water Environments Sensors MDPI May-2023 3.85 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ankur Kumar, Avinash Kaur, Parminder Singh, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila Efficient Multiclass Classification Using Feature Selection In High-dimensional Datasets Electronics (switzerland) MDPI May-2023 2.69 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Dennies Tsietso, Abid Yahya, Ravi Samikannu, Muhammad Usman Tariq, Muhammad Babar, Basit Qureshi, Anis Koubaa Multi-input Deep Learning Approach For Breast Cancer Screening Using Thermal Infrared Imaging And Clinical Data Ieee Access IEEE May-2023 3.48 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Khan Adnan Shahid, Mohd Izzat Bin Yahya, Kartinah Bt Zen, Johari Bin Abdullah, Rozeha Binti A. Rashid, Yasir Javed, Nayeem Ahmad Khan, Ahmed M. Mostafa Blockchain-based Lightweight Multifactor Authentication For Cell-free In Ultra-dense 6g-based (6-cmas) Cellular Network Ieee Access Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Feb-2023 3.48 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Asif Nawaz, Tariq Ali, Ghulam Mustafa, Muhammad Babar, Basit Qureshi Multi-class Retinal Diseases Detection Using Deep Cnn With Minimal Memory Consumption Ieee Access Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Jun-2023 3.48 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
ênio Vasconcelos Filho, Ricardo Severino, Pedro M. Salgueiro Dos Santos, Anis Koubaa, Eduardo Tovar Cooperative Vehicular Platooning: A Multi-dimensional Survey Towards Enhanced Safety, Security And Validation Cyber-physical Systems Taylor and Francis Ltd. May-2023 0.00 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Zahid Khan, Anis Koubaa, Bilel Benjdira, Wadii Boulila A Game Theory Approach For Smart Traffic Management Computers And Electrical Engineering Elsevier Ltd. Jun-2023 4.15 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Mrinalini Rana, Omdev Dahiya, Parminder Singh, Wadii Boulila, Adel Ammar Grouped Abc For Feature Selection And Mean-variance Optimization For Rule Mining: A Hybrid Framework Ieee Access Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Aug-2023 3.48 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Wadii Boulila, Ayyub Alzahem, Anis Koubaa, Bilel Benjdira, Adel Ammar Early Detection Of Red Palm Weevil Infestations Using Deep Learning Classification Of Acoustic Signals Computers And Electronics In Agriculture Elsevier Aug-2023 6.76 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Muhammad Babar, Awais Ahmed, Muhammad Usman Tariq, Sarah Kaleem Real-time Fake News Detection Using Big Data Analytics And Deep Neural Network Ieee Transactions On Computational Social Systems IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society Sep-2023 5.00 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Giuseppe Varone, Wadii Boulila, Maha Driss, Saru Kumari, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Thippa Reddy Gadekallu, Amir Hussain Finger Pinching And Imagination Classification: A Fusion Of Cnn Architectures For Iomt-enabled Bci Applications Information Fusion Elsevier Sep-2023 18.60 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Donghua Jiang, Nestor Tsafack, Wadii Boulila, Jawad Ahmad, J.j. Barba-franco Asb-cs: Adaptive Sparse Basis Compressive Sensing Model And Its Application To Medical Image Encryption Expert Systems With Applications Elsevier Ltd. Sep-2023 8.50 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Khubab Ahmad, Muhammad Shahbaz Khan, Fawad Ahmed, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila, Abdulwahab Alazeb, Mohammad Alsulami, Mohammed S. Alshehri, Yazeed Yasin Ghadi, Jawad Ahmad Firexnet: An Explainable Ai-based Tailored Deep Learning Model For Wildfire Detection On Resource-constrained Devices Fire Ecology Association for Fire Ecology Sep-2023 5.10 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Walid El-shafai, Anas M. Ali, Samy Abd El-nabi, El-sayed M. El-rabaie, Fathi E. Abd El-samie Single Image Super-resolution Approaches In Medical Images Based-deep Learning: A Survey Multimedia Tools And Applications Springer Netherlands Sep-2023 3.60 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Usman Ali, Mohd Yamani Idna Bin Idris, Jaroslav Frnda, Mohamad Nizam Bin Ayub, Muhammad Asghar Khan, Nauman Khan, Rehannara Beegum, Ahmed A. Jasim, Insaf Ullah, Mohammad Babar Enhanced Lightweight And Secure Certificateless Authentication Scheme (elwscas) For Internet Of Things Environment Internet Of Things (netherlands) Elsevier BV Sep-2023 5.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Bilal Muhammad Khan, Muhammad Bilal Kadri Seamless Connections: Harnessing Machine Learning For Mac Optimization In Home Area Networks Electronics (switzerland) Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Sep-2023 2.90 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Qi Li, Donghong Cai, Fang Fang, Zhicheng Dong, Zahid Khan Secure Precoding Design For High-mobility Systems With Otfs Modulation Physical Communication Elsevier Sep-2023 2.20 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ali Akbar Siddique, Wadii Boulila, Mohammed S. Alshehri, Fawad Ahmed, Thippa Reddy Gadekallu, Nancy Victor, M. Tahir Qadri, Jawad Ahmad Privacy-enhanced Pneumonia Diagnosis: Iot-enabled Federated Multi-party Computation In Industry 5.0 Ieee Transactions On Consumer Electronics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Oct-2023 4.30 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Manel Khazri Khlifi, Wadii Boulila, Imed Riadh Farah Graph-based Deep Learning Techniques For Remote Sensing Applications: Techniques, Taxonomy, And Applications — A Comprehensive Review Computer Science Review Elsevier Ireland Ltd Oct-2023 12.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ke Wang, Mingjia Zhu, Wadii Boulila, Maha Driss, Thippa Reddy Gadekallu, Chien-ming Chen, Lei Wang, Saru Kumari, Siu-ming Yiu Seqnovo: De Novo Peptide Sequencing Prediction In Iomt Via Seq2seq Ieee Journal Of Biomedical And Health Informatics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Oct-2023 7.70 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ankita Sharma, Shalli Rani, Dipak Kumar Sah, Zahid Khan, Wadii Boulila Homlc-hyperparameter Optimization For Multi-label Classification Of Intrusion Detection Data For Internet Of Things Network Sensors Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Oct-2023 3.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Arfat Ahmad Khan, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila, Gabriel Avelino Sampedro, Sidra Abbas, Chitapong Wechtaisong Privacy Preserved And Decentralized Smartphone Recommendation System Ieee Transactions On Consumer Electronics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Oct-2023 4.30 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Fatma S. Alrayes, Mohammed Zakariah, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila Deep Neural Decision Forest (dndf): A Novel Approach For Enhancing Intrusion Detection Systems In Network Traffic Analysis Sensors Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Oct-2023 3.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Sarah Kaleem, Adnan Sohail, Muhammad Usman Tariq, Muhammad Babar, Basit Qureshi Ensemble Learning For Multi-class Covid-19 Detection From Big Data Plos One Public Library of Science Oct-2023 3.70 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Saeed mohsen, Anas m. ali, Ahmed emam Automatic Modulation Recognition Using Cnn Deep Learning Models Multimedia Tools And Applications Springer Netherlands Jun-2023 3.60 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Sidra Abbas, Wadii Boulila, Maha Driss, Nancy Victor, Gabriel Avelino Sampedro, Mideth Abisado, Thippa Reddy Gadekallu Aspect Category Detection Of Mobile Edge Customer Reviews: A Distributed And Trustworthy Restaurant Recommendation System Ieee Transactions On Consumer Electronics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Oct-2023 4.30 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Farman Ali Shah, Kamran, Wadii Boulila, Anis Koubaa, Nabil Mlaiki Numerical Solution Of Advection–diffusion Equation Of Fractional Order Using Chebyshev Collocation Method Fractal And Fractional MDPI AG Oct-2023 5.40 Q2 CHS MATH & SCI RIOTU LAB
Safi Ullah, Jawad Ahmad, Muazzam A Khan, Mohammed S. Alshehri, Wadii Boulila, Anis Koubaa, Sana Ullah Jan, M Munawwar Iqbal Ch Tnn-ids: Transformer Neural Network-based Intrusion Detection System For Mqtt-enabled Iot Networks Computer Networks Elsevier Oct-2023 5.60 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Safi Ullah, Wadii Boulila, Anis Koubaa, Jawad Ahmad Magru-ids: A Multi-head Attention-based Gated Recurrent Unit For Intrusion Detection In Iiot Networks Ieee Access Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Oct-2023 3.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Himanshu Dhumras, Prashant Kumar Shukla, Rakesh K Bajaj, Wadii Boulila, Varun Shukla, Piyush Kumar Shukla, Vinodh Kumar Minchula, Sajjad Hussain Chauhdary Industry 5.0 Enablers In Consumer Electronics Market Assessment Under T-spherical Fuzzy Integrated Decision-making Approach Ieee Transactions On Consumer Electronics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Oct-2023 4.30 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Anis Koubaa, Wadii Boulila, Lahouari Ghouti, Ayyub Alzahem, Shahid Latif Exploring Chatgpt Capabilities And Limitations: A Survey Ieee Access Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Oct-2023 3.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Nesrine Atitallah, Omar Cheikhrouhou, Khaleel Mershad, Anis Koubaa, Fahima Hajjej Crp: Cooperative And Efficient Routing Protocol For Wireless Sensor Networks Sensors Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Oct-2023 3.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Anis Koubaa, Basit Qureshi, Adel Ammar, Zahid Khan, Wadii Boulila, Lahouari Ghouti Humans Are Still Better Than Chatgpt: Case Of The Ieeextreme Competition Heliyon Elsevier BV Oct-2023 4.00 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Divya Gupta; Shivani Wadhwa; Shalli Rani; Zahid Khan; Wadii Boulila Eedc: An Energy Efficient Data Communication Scheme Based On New Routing Approach In Wireless Sensor Networks For Future Iot Applications Sensors Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Oct-2023 3.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Nauman Khan, Rosli Bin Salleh, Zahid Khan, Anis Koubaa, Mosab Hamdan, Ahmed M. Abdelmoniem Ensuring Reliable Network Operations And Maintenance: The Role Of Pmrf For Switch Maintenance And Upgrades In Sdn Journal Of King Saud University - Computer And Information Sciences King Saud University Oct-2023 6.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Phani Yedlapalli, Gajula Naveen Venkata Kishore, Wadii Boulila, Anis Koubaa, Nabil Mlaiki Toward Enhanced Geological Analysis: A Novel Approach Based On Transmuted Semicircular Distribution Symmetry Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Nov-2023 2.70 Q2 CHS MATH & SCI RIOTU LAB
Gandeva Bayu Satrya, Yosafat Marselino Agus, Adel Ben Mnaouer A Comparative Study Of Post-quantum Cryptographic Algorithm Implementations For Secure And Efficient Energy Systems Monitoring Electronics (switzerland) Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Sep-2023 2.90 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ayyub Alzahem, Wadii Boulila, Anis Koubaa, Zahid Khan, Ibrahim Alturki Improving Satellite Image Classification Accuracy Using Gan-based Data Augmentation And Vision Transformers Earth Science Informatics Springer Verlag Nov-2023 2.80 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Muhammad Usman Tariq, Shuhaida Binti Ismail, Muhammad Babar, Ashir Ahmad Harnessing The Power Of Ai: Advanced Deep Learning Models Optimization For Accurate Sars-cov-2 Forecasting Plos One Public Library of Science Jul-2023 3.70 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Adel Ammar Era: Enhanced Relaxed A Star Algorithm For Solving The Shortest Path Problem In Regular Grid Maps Information Sciences Elsevier Inc. Dec-2023 8.10 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Sidra Abbas, Wadii Boulila, Maha Driss, Gabriel Avelino Sampedro, Mideth Abisado, Ahmad Almadhor Active Learning Empowered Sentiment Analysis: An Approach For Optimizing Smartphone Customer’s Review Sentiment Classification Ieee Transactions On Consumer Electronics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Nov-2023 4.30 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ziad Elkhatib, Firuz Kamalov, Sherif Moussa, Adel Ben Mnaouer, Mustapha Yagoub, Halim Yanikomeroglu Radio Modulation Classification Optimization Using Combinatorial Deep Learning Technique Ieee Access Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Jan-2024 3.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ashir Ahmed, Jenny Martin, David Towl, Zac Haussegger, Muhammad Babar Examination Of Social Worlds Of Risky Drinking. Insights From Twitter Data Analysis Plos One Public Library of Science Feb-2024 3.70 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Sarah Kaleem, Adnan Sohail, Muhammad Babar, Awais Ahmad, Muhammad Usman Tariq A Hybrid Model For Energy-efficient Green Internet Of Things Enabled Intelligent Transportation Systems Using Federated Learning Internet Of Things (netherlands) Elsevier BV Jan-2024 5.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Adel Ammar, Anis Koubaa, Bilel Benjdira, Omer Nacar, Serry Sibaee Prediction Of Arabic Legal Rulings Using Large Language Models Electronics Faculty of Electrical Engineering Banja Luka Feb-2024 2.90 Q4 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Vagner E. Quincozes, Silvio E. Quincozes, Juliano F. Kazienko, Simone Gama, Omar Cheikhrouhou, Anis Koubaa A Survey On Iot Application Layer Protocols, Security Challenges, And The Role Of Explainable Ai In Iot (xaiot) International Journal Of Information Security Springer Verlag Mar-2024 3.20 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Shahid Latif, Wadii Boulila, Anis Koubaa, Zhuo Zou, Jawad Ahmad Dtl-ids: An Optimized Intrusion Detection Framework Using Deep Transfer Learning And Genetic Algorithm Journal Of Network And Computer Applications Academic Press Inc. Nov-2023 8.70 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Hasan Tariq, Farid Touati, Damiano Crescini, Adel Ben Mnaouer State-of-the-art Low-cost Air Quality Sensors, Assemblies, Calibration And Evaluation For Respiration-associated Diseases: A Systematic Review Atmosphere Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Apr-2024 2.90 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Zahid Khan, Anis Koubaa, Bilel Benjdira A Heuristic Route Planning Scheme In Scalable Vanet-oriented Evolving Grid Graph (s-voegg) Ieee Transactions On Network Science And Engineering IEEE Computer Society Apr-2024 6.60 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Junchao Ma, Bodong Shang, Zahid Khan, Yang Yu, Pingzhi Fan Redesign Of Bats Code With Improved Decoding Rate Based On Coupled Batch Size And Degree Distribution Ieee Communications Letters Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Mar-2024 4.10 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Wadii Boulila, Hamza Ghandorh, Sharjeel Masood, Ayyub Alzahem, Anis Koubaa, Fawad Ahmed, Zahid Khan, Jawad Ahmad A Transformer-based Approach Empowered By A Self-attention Technique For Semantic Segmentation In Remote Sensing Heliyon Elsevier BV Apr-2024 4.00 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Mujeeb Ur Rehman, Arslan Shafique, Muhammad Shahbaz Khan, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila, Yazeed Yasin Ghadi, Suresh Babu Changalasetty, Majed Alhaisoni, Jawad Ahmad A Novel Medical Image Data Protection Scheme For Smart Healthcare System Caai Transactions On Intelligence Technology John Wiley & Sons Inc. Feb-2024 5.10 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Fahad Tanveer, Muhammad Bilal Kadri Decentralized Asynchronous Formation Planning Of Multirotor Aerial Vehicles In Dynamic Environments Using Flexible Formation Graphs & Tight Trajectory Hulls Ieee Access Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Apr-2024 3.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Sarah Kaleem, Orcid,muhammad Asim, Mohammed El-affendi, Muhammad Babar Optimizing Requirements Prioritization For Iot Applications Using Extended Analytical Hierarchical Process And An Advanced Grouping Framework Future Internet Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) May-2024 3.40 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Himanshi Babbar, Shalli Rani, Wadii Boulila Ngmd: Next Generation Malware Detection In Federated Server With Deep Neural Network Model For Autonomous Networks Scientific Reports Nature Publishing Group May-2024 4.60 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Muhammad Babar, Basit Qureshi, Anis Koubaa Investigating The Impact Of Data Heterogeneity On The Performance Of Federated Learning Algorithm Using Medical Imaging Plos One Public Library of Science May-2024 3.70 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Muhammad Usman Hashmi, Muntazir Hussain​, Asghar Ali Shah, Muhammad Babar, Basit Qureshi Synchronizing Smart City Nodes Using Skew Integrated Timestamp (sit) Peerj Computer Science PeerJ Inc. May-2024 3.80 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Amar Sable, Parminder Singh, Avinash Kaur, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila Quantifying Soybean Defects: A Computational Approach To Seed Classification Using Deep Learning Techniques Agronomy MDPI AG May-2024 3.70 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Muhammad Babar, Basit Qureshi, Anis Koubaa Review On Federated Learning For Digital Transformation In Healthcare Through Big Data Analytics Future Generation Computer Systems Elsevier May-2024 7.50 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Wadii Boulila An Approach Based On Performer-attention-guided Few-shot Learning Model For Plant Disease Classification Earth Science Informatics Springer Verlag May-2024 2.80 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Takoua Mahjoub, Adel Ben Mnaouer, Maymouna Ben Said, Hatem Boujemaa Lora Signal Propagation And Path Loss Prediction In Tunisian Date Palm Oases Computers And Electronics In Agriculture Elsevier May-2024 8.30 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Wadii Boulila, Eman Alshanqiti, Ayyub Alzahem, Anis Koubaa, Nabil Mlaiki An Effective Weight Initialization Method For Deep Learning: Application To Satellite Image Classification Expert Systems With Applications Elsevier Ltd. May-2024 8.50 Q1 CHS MATH & SCI RIOTU LAB
Nauman Khan, Zahid Khan, Anis Koubaa, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Rosli Bin Salleh Global Insights And The Impact Of Generative Ai-chatgpt On Multidisciplinary: A Systematic Review And Bibliometric Analysis Connection Science Taylor and Francis A.S. May-2024 5.30 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Donghua Jiang, Jawad Ahmad, Zhufeng Suo, Mashael M. Alsulami, Yazeed Yasin Ghadi, Wadii Boulila Ml-fas: Multi-level Face Anonymization Scheme And Its Application To E-commerce Systems Ieee Transactions On Consumer Electronics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Jun-2024 4.30 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Himanshu Dhumras, Varun Shukla, Rakesh Kumar Bajaj, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila On Similarity Measures Of Complex Picture Fuzzy Sets With Applications In The Field Of Pattern Recognition Ieee Access Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Jun-2024 3.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Mohsen Denden, Mahdi Jemmali, Wadii Boulila, Mukesh Soni, Faheem Khan, Jawad Ahmad Clustering-based Resource Management For Consumer Cost Optimization In Iot Edge Computing Environments Ieee Transactions On Consumer Electronics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Jun-2024 4.30 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Maria Hanif, Rizwan Ahmad, Abdul Hameed, Muhammad Babar, Muhammad Asim Wg-slsqp: Weighted Geometric Based Sequential Least Square Programming For Sink Node Placement In Wban Ieee Access Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Jun-2024 3.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Giuseppe Varone, Wadii Boulila, Angelo Pascarella, Sara Gasparini, Umberto Aguglia Instrumentation For Tms-eeg Experiment: Artgen And Acustom Eeg Interface International Journal Of Imaging Systems And Technology John Wiley and Sons Inc. Jun-2024 3.30 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Nasrullah Khan, Muhammad Ismail Mohmand, Sadaqat Ur Rehman, Zia Ullah, Zahid Khan, Wadii Boulila Advancements In Intrusion Detection: A Lightweight Hybrid Rnn-rf Model Plos One Public Library of Science Jun-2024 3.70 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Loai Kayed B. Melhim, Mahdi Jemmali, Wadii Boulila, Mamoun Alazab, Shalli Rani, Hamish Campbell, Hajer Amdouni Leveraging Drone-assisted Surveillance For Effective Forest Conservation: A Case Study In Australia’s Daintree Rainforest Ieee Internet Of Things Journal Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Jun-2024 10.60 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Rahil Bensaid, Adel Ben Mnaouer, Hatem Boujemaa Energy Efficient Adaptive Sensing Framework For Wsn-assisted Iot Applications Ieee Access Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Jul-2024 3.40 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Himanshi Babbar, Shalli Rani, Wadii Boulila Fortifying The Connection: Cybersecurity Tactics For Wsn-driven Smart Manufacturing In The Era Of Industry 5.0 Ieee Open Journal Of The Communications Society Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Jul-2024 6.30 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
I Nyoman Apraz Ramatryana, Gandeva Bayu Satrya, Gelar Budiman, Adel Ben Mnaouer Noma-aloha With Prioritized Burst Repetition For Machine-type Communications Ieee Transactions On Vehicular Technology Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Jul-2024 6.10 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Sawsan Alhalawani, Bilel Benjdira, Adel Ammar, Anis Koubaa, Anas M. Ali Diffplate: A Diffusion Model For Super-resolution Of License Plate Images Electronics (switzerland) Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Jul-2024 2.60 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Shruti, Shalli Rani, Wadii Boulila Securing Internet Of Things Device Data: An Abe Approach Using Fog Computing And Generative Ai Expert Systems Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd Aug-2024 3.00 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Zahid Khan, Nauman Khan, Anis Koubaa, Adel Ammar, Wadii Boulila Radar: A Rapid Discovery Algorithm For Routes In Sdn-based Iov Digital Communications And Networks KeAi Communications Co. Aug-2024 7.50 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Sameer Qazi, Muhammad Bilal Kadri, Muhammad Naveed, Bilal A. Khawaja, Sohaib Zia Khan, Muhammad Mansoor Alam, Mazliham Mohd Su’ud Ai-driven Learning Management Systems: Modern Developments, Challenges And Future Trends During The Age Of Chatgpt Computers, Materials And Continua Tech Science Press Aug-2024 2.00 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Bilel Benjdira, Anas M. Ali, Anis Koubaa, Adel Ammar, Wadii Boulila Dm–ahr: A Self-supervised Conditional Diffusion Model For Ai-generated Hairless Imaging For Enhanced Skin Diagnosis Applications Cancers Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Aug-2024 4.50 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ali Akbar Siddique, Nada Alasbali, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila, Mohammed S. Alshehri, Jawad Ahmad Sustainable Collaboration: Federated Learning For Environmentally Conscious Forest Fire Classification In Green Internet Of Things (iot) Internet Of Things (netherlands) Elsevier BV Nov-2023 5.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Dennies Tsietso, Abid Yahya, Ravi Samikannu, Basit Qureshi, Muhammad Babar Computational Approach For Automated Segmentation And Classification Of Region Of Interest In Lateral Breast Thermograms Computers, Materials And Continua Tech Science Press Aug-2024 2.00 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Anis Koubaa, Adel Ammar, Wadii Boulila Next‐generation Human‐robot Interaction With Chatgpt And Robot Operating System Software - Practice And Experience John Wiley and Sons Ltd Sep-2024 2.60 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Richa Jain, Parminder Singh, Mohamed Abdelkader, Wadii Boulila Efficient Lung Cancer Detection Using Computational Intelligence And Ensemble Learning Plos One Public Library of Science Sep-2024 2.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Kashif Sattar, Umair Maqsood, Qaiser Hussain, Saqib Majeed, Sarah Kaleem, Muhammad Babar, Basit Qureshi Soil Texture Analysis Using Controlled Image Processing Smart Agricultural Technology Elsevier B.V. Sep-2024 6.30 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Safa Ben Atitallah, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila, Anis Koubaa Enhancing Early Alzheimer's Disease Detection Through Big Data And Ensemble Few-shot Learning Ieee Journal Of Biomedical And Health Informatics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Oct-2024 6.70 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Ankita Sharma, Shalli Rani, Maha Driss Hybrid Evolutionary Machine Learning Model For Advanced Intrusion Detection Architecture For Cyber Threat Identification Plos One Public Library of Science Sep-2024 2.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Saeed Mohsen, Anas M. Ali, El Sayed M. El-rabaie, Ahmed Elkaseer, Steffen G. Scholz, Ashraf Mohamed Ali Hassan Brain Tumor Classification Using Hybrid Single Image Super-resolution Technique With Resnext101_32× 8d And Vgg19 Pre-trained Models Ieee Access Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. May-2023 3.40 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Fatma Abdelhedi, Imen Jarraya, Haneen Bawayan, Mohamed Abdelkeder, Nassim Rizoug, Anis Koubaa Optimizing Electric Vehicles Efficiency With Hybrid Energy Storage: Comparative Analysis Of Rule-based And Neural Network Power Management Systems Energy Elsevier Ltd Dec-2024 9.00 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Mohamed Ben Youssef, Imen Jarraya, Mohamed Ali Zdiri, Fatma Ben Salem Support Vector Regression-based State Of Charge Estimation For Batteries: Cloud Vs Non-cloud Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) Mar-2024 0.00 Q3 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Imen Jarraya, Fatma Abdelhedi, Nassim Rizoug An Innovative Power Management Strategy For Hybrid Battery–supercapacitor Systems In Electric Vehicle Mathematics Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Dec-2023 2.30 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Jiahao Shan, Donghong Cai, Fang Fang, Zahid Khan, Pingzhi Fan Unsupervised Multivariate Time Series Data Anomaly Detection In Industrial Iot: A Confidence Adversarial Autoencoder Network Ieee Open Journal Of The Communications Society Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Dec-2024 6.30 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Sofia Yousuf, Muhammad Bilal Kadri Improving The Position Accuracy And Computational Efficiency Of Uav Terrain Aided Navigation Using A Two-stage Hybrid Fuzzy Particle Filtering Method Computers, Materials And Continua Tech Science Press Dec-2024 2.00 Q2 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Yosra Hajjaji, Wadii Boulila, Imed Riadh Farah, Anis Koubaa Enhancing Palm Precision Agriculture: An Approach Based On Deep Learning And Uavs For Efficient Palm Tree Detection Ecological Informatics Elsevier B.V. Dec-2024 5.80 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Omer Nacar , Mohamed Abdelkader , Lahouari Ghouti, Kahled Gabr, Abdulrahman Al-batati And Anis Koubaa Vector: Velocity-enhanced Gru Neural Network For Real-time 3d Uav Trajectory Prediction Drones Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) Dec-2024 4.40 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Khaoula Tayari, Imen Jarraya, Omar Cheikhrouhou, Anis Koubaa, Hamadi Ghariani Surface Impedance For Real-time Cardiac Monitoring In Body Area Networks Ieee Access Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Dec-2024 3.40 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Mohamed Abdelkader, Khaled Gabr, Imen Jarraya, Abdullah Almusalami, Anis Koubaa Smart-track: A Novel Kalman Filter-guided Sensor Fusion For Robust Uav Object Tracking In Dynamic Environments Ieee Sensors Journal Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Dec-2024 4.30 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Fadl Abdellatif, Ali J. Alrasheed, Amjad Felemban, Ahmed Al Brahim, Hesham Jifri, Mohamed Abdelkader, Shehab Ahmed, Jeff S. Shamma Falconscan: A Hybrid Uav-crawler System For Ndt Inspection Of Elevated Pipes In Industrial Plants Mechatronics Elsevier Ltd Aug-2024 3.10 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Shivani Wadhwa, Divya Gupta, Shalli Rani, Maha Driss, Wadii Boulila Empowering Drones In Vehicular Network Through Fog Computing And Blockchain Technology Plos One Public Library of Science Jan-2025 2.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Himanshi Babbar, Shalli Rani, Maha Driss Effective Ddos Attack Detection In Software-defined Vehicular Networks Using Statistical Flow Analysis And Machine Learning Plos One Public Library of Science Dec-2024 2.90 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Anas M. Ali, El-sayed M. El-rabaie, Khalil F. Ramadan, Fathi E. Abd El-samie, Walid El-shafai Clear-net: A Cascaded Local And External Attention Network For Enhanced Dehazing Of Remote Sensing Images Ieee Journal Of Selected Topics In Applied Earth Observations And Remote Sensing Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Jan-2025 4.70 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Bilel Benjdira, Anis Koubaa, Anas M. Ali Prompting Robotic Modalities (prm): A Structured Architecture For Centralizing Language Models In Complex Systems2 Future Generation Computer Systems Elsevier B.V. Jan-2025 6.20 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Donghua Jiang, Jiangqun Ni, Nada Alasbali, Ibtehal Nafea, Qingliang Liu, Jawad Ahmad, Wadii Boulila Ddcm: Cracking Anonymized Facial Images Using Denoising Diffusion Cryptanalytic Model Ieee Transactions On Consumer Electronics Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Jan-2025 4.30 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Muhammad Babar, Muhammad Usman Tariq, Basit Qureshi, Zabeeh Ullah, Fahim Arif, Zahid Khan An Efficient And Hybrid Deep Learning-driven Model To Enhance Security And Performance Of Healthcare Internet Of Things Ieee Access Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. Jan-2025 3.40 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Fatmah Alafari, Maha Driss, Asma Cherif Advances In Natural Language Processing For Healthcare: A Comprehensive Review Of Techniques, Applications, And Future Directions Computer Science Review Elsevier Ireland Ltd Feb-2025 13.30 Q1 CCIS CS RIOTU LAB
Editor Title Publisher Series Year ISBN LAB
Editor Title Publisher Series Year ISBN LAB
Anis Koubaa and Ahmad Taher Azar Deep Learning for Unmanned Systems SPRINGER Studies in Computational Intelligence 2021 978-3-030-77939-9 ASSCL LAB, RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar Modeling and Control of Drug Delivery Systems Academic Press Books - Elsevier 1st Edition 2021 978-0-12-821185-4 ASSCL LAB, RIOTU LAB
Anis Koubaa Robot Operating System (ROS) The Complete Reference (Volume 6) SPRINGER Studies in Computational Intelligence book series (SCI, volume 962) 2021 978-3-030-75472-3 RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar and Nashwa Ahmad Kamal Handbook of Research on Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Complex Systems IGI-Global Advances in Systems Analysis, Software Engineering, and High Performance Computing (ASASEHPC) 2021 9781799857884 ASSCL LAB, RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar and Nashwa Ahmad Kamal Renewable Energy Systems: Modelling, Optimization and Control ELSEVIER Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos (ANDC) 2021 978-0-12-820004-9 ASSCL LAB, RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar and Nashwa Ahmad Kamal Design, Analysis, and Applications of Renewable Energy Systems ELSEVIER Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos (ANDC) 2021 978-0-12-824555-2 ASSCL LAB, RIOTU LAB
Anis Koubaa and Ahmad Taher Azar Unmanned Aerial Systems: Theoretical Foundation and Applications ELSEVIER Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos (ANDC) 2021 978-0-12-820276-0 ASSCL LAB, RIOTU LAB
Ahmad Taher Azar, Anis Koubaa Artificial Intelligence for Robotics and Autonomous Systems Applications SPRINGER Studies in Computational Intelligence 2023 978-3-031-28714-5 ASSCL LAB, RIOTU LAB
Mohamed Abdelakder, Anis Koubaa Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Applications: Challenges and Trends SPRINGER Synthesis Lectures on Intelligent Technologies 2023 978-3-031-32036-1 RIOTU LAB
Wadii Boulila, Jawad Ahmad, Anis Koubaa, Maha Driss, Imed Riadh Farah Decision Making and Security Risk Management for IoT Environments SPRINGER Advances in Information Security 2024 978-3-031-47590-0 RIOTU LAB
Author Title Book title Editor Publisher Series Year Pages ISBN LAB
Author Title Book title Editor Publisher Series Year Pages ISBN LAB
Rashid Mehmood, Simon See, Iyad Katib, and Imrich Chlamtac. On Performance of Commodity Single Board Computer-Based Clusters: A Big Data Perspective Smart Infrastructure and Applications: Foundations for Smarter Cities and Societies Basit Qureshi and Anis Koubaa SPRINGER EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing 2020 349–375 978-3-030-13705-2 RIOTU LAB
Mohamed Abdelkader and Usman A.Fiaz and Noureddine Toumi and Mohamed A.Mabrok and Jeff S.Shammaa. Chapter 14 - RISCuer: a reliable multi-UAV search and rescue testbed Unmanned Aerial Systems: Theoretical Foundation and Applications Anis Koubaa, Ahmad Taher Azar ELSEVIER Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos (ANDC) 2021 345-374 9780128202760 RIOTU LAB
Raheel, F., Mehmood, H., Kadri, M.B. Top-Down Design Approach for the Customization and Development of Multi-rotors Using ROS Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Applications: Challenges and Trends. Synthesis Lectures on Intelligent Technologies. Springer, Cham Abdelkader, M., Koubaa, A. SPRINGER Synthesis Lectures on Intelligent Technologies book series (SLIT) 2023 37 978-3-031-32036-1 RIOTU LAB
Fabeha Raheel ,Hassan Mehmood ,Muhammad Bilal Kadri Top-Down Design Approach for the Customization and Development of Multi-rotors Using ROS Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Applications: Challenges and Trends Mohamed Abdelkader, Anis Koubaa SPRINGER Synthesis Lectures on Intelligent Technologies 2023 43-83 978-3-031-32037-8 RIOTU LAB
Enio Vasconcelos Filho, Jones Yudi, Mohamed Abdelkader, Anis Koubaa & Eduardo Tovar RosDrive: An Open-Source ROS-Based Vehicular Simulator for STEM Control Systems Classes Tutorial Robot Operating System (ROS) Anis Koubaa SPRINGER Studies in Computational Intelligence 2023 147–176 978-3-031-09062-2 RIOTU LAB